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Asaf Karagila
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How to Complete this Part of the Help With Basic Proof of the Existence of the Isomorphism Between Rational Numbers and Rational Cuts?from Rudin PMA Chapter One

Given anyFrom Walter Rudin's $r\in{}\mathbb{Q}$Principles of Mathematical Analysis, let $r^*$ denoteThird Edition, page 20, Step 8:

enter image description here

I want to complete the Dedekind cutproof of $r^*=\{q|q<r\}$(b) by proving the following claim.

Claim: For $r\in{}\mathbb{Q}^+$ and $s\in{}\mathbb{Q}^-$, $r^*\cdot{}s^*\subset{}(rs)^*$

Attempt at Proof: $q\in{}r^*\cdot{}s^*\implies{}q\in{}-[r^*\cdot{}(-s)^*]\implies{}\forall{}r'\forall{}s'(r',s'\in{}\mathbb{Q}^+\,\,\,\wedge{}\,\,\,r'\in{}r^*\,\,\,\wedge{}\,\,\,s'\in{}(-s)^*\implies{}\exists{}a(a\in{}\mathbb{Q}^+\,\,\,\wedge{}\,\,\,-q-a>r's'))$

At this point I am stuck. I need to show $rs>q$ so that $q\in{}(rs)^*$. However, it's not valid to claim $rs>-(r's')>q+a$ using the attempt above.

This post covers the question, but I think the proof is wrong at the relevant place and I'm stuck.

How to Complete this Part of the Proof of the Existence of the Isomorphism Between Rational Numbers and Rational Cuts?

Given any $r\in{}\mathbb{Q}$, let $r^*$ denote the Dedekind cut $r^*=\{q|q<r\}$.

Claim: For $r\in{}\mathbb{Q}^+$ and $s\in{}\mathbb{Q}^-$, $r^*\cdot{}s^*\subset{}(rs)^*$

Attempt at Proof: $q\in{}r^*\cdot{}s^*\implies{}q\in{}-[r^*\cdot{}(-s)^*]\implies{}\forall{}r'\forall{}s'(r',s'\in{}\mathbb{Q}^+\,\,\,\wedge{}\,\,\,r'\in{}r^*\,\,\,\wedge{}\,\,\,s'\in{}(-s)^*\implies{}\exists{}a(a\in{}\mathbb{Q}^+\,\,\,\wedge{}\,\,\,-q-a>r's'))$

At this point I am stuck. I need to show $rs>q$ so that $q\in{}(rs)^*$. However, it's not valid to claim $rs>-(r's')>q+a$ using the attempt above.

This post covers the question, but I think the proof is wrong at the relevant place and I'm stuck.

Help With Basic Proof from Rudin PMA Chapter One

From Walter Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Third Edition, page 20, Step 8:

enter image description here

I want to complete the proof of (b) by proving the following claim.

Claim: For $r\in{}\mathbb{Q}^+$ and $s\in{}\mathbb{Q}^-$, $r^*\cdot{}s^*\subset{}(rs)^*$

Attempt at Proof: $q\in{}r^*\cdot{}s^*\implies{}q\in{}-[r^*\cdot{}(-s)^*]\implies{}\forall{}r'\forall{}s'(r',s'\in{}\mathbb{Q}^+\,\,\,\wedge{}\,\,\,r'\in{}r^*\,\,\,\wedge{}\,\,\,s'\in{}(-s)^*\implies{}\exists{}a(a\in{}\mathbb{Q}^+\,\,\,\wedge{}\,\,\,-q-a>r's'))$

At this point I am stuck. I need to show $rs>q$ so that $q\in{}(rs)^*$.

This post covers the question, but I think the proof is wrong at the relevant place and I'm stuck.

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How to Complete this Part of the Proof thatof the Existence of the Isomorphism Between Rational Numbers and Rational Cuts are Closed Under Multiplication?

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