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The working-out of this question has really confused me. I know the basics of probability but I don't get the calculations here. I think 13C2 * 4C2 determines the number of possible pairs, and the stuff in the brackets is the number of combinations possible with the cards remaining after a pair is obtained—but, in them, what does does each number specifically do? The working-out I'm referring to

The working-out I'm referring to.

Thanks in advance.

The working-out of this question has really confused me. I know the basics of probability but I don't get the calculations here. I think 13C2 * 4C2 determines the number of possible pairs, and the stuff in the brackets is the number of combinations possible with the cards remaining after a pair is obtained—but, in them, what does does each number specifically do? The working-out I'm referring to.
Thanks in advance.

The working-out of this question has really confused me. I know the basics of probability but I don't get the calculations here. I think 13C2 * 4C2 determines the number of possible pairs, and the stuff in the brackets is the number of combinations possible with the cards remaining after a pair is obtained—but, in them, what does does each number specifically do?

The working-out I'm referring to.

Thanks in advance.

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Why is the probability of getting a pair in a five-card poker hand so complicated?

The working-out of this question has really confused me. I know the basics of probability but I don't get the calculations here. I think 13C2 * 4C2 determines the number of possible pairs, and the stuff in the brackets is the number of combinations possible with the cards remaining after a pair is obtained—but, in them, what does does each number specifically do? The working-out I'm referring to.
Thanks in advance.