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$$Dist^1(G,e):= Hom_{R/I}(R/I^2, R/I)$$$$Dist^n(G,e):= Hom_{R/I}(R/I^{n+1}, R/I)$$

is the $n$'th piece of the canonical filtration of the enveloping algebra $U(Lie(G))$. Hence $Dist^1(G,e)=k\oplus Lie(G)$$Dist^1(G,e)=U^1(Lie(G))\cong k\oplus Lie(G)$. Since $Dist^1(G,e) \cong Diff^1_k(R/I^2,k)$ is the module of first order differential operators from $R/I^2$ to $k$, there is a canonical structure of Lie algebra on $k\oplus Lie(G)$ inducing one on $Lie(G)$. This structure comes from the group-scheme structure on $G$.

$$Dist^1(G,e):= Hom_{R/I}(R/I^2, R/I)$$

is the $n$'th piece of the canonical filtration of the enveloping algebra $U(Lie(G))$. Hence $Dist^1(G,e)=k\oplus Lie(G)$. Since $Dist^1(G,e) \cong Diff^1_k(R/I^2,k)$ is the module of first order differential operators from $R/I^2$ to $k$, there is a canonical structure of Lie algebra on $k\oplus Lie(G)$ inducing one on $Lie(G)$.

$$Dist^n(G,e):= Hom_{R/I}(R/I^{n+1}, R/I)$$

is the $n$'th piece of the canonical filtration of the enveloping algebra $U(Lie(G))$. Hence $Dist^1(G,e)=U^1(Lie(G))\cong k\oplus Lie(G)$. Since $Dist^1(G,e) \cong Diff^1_k(R/I^2,k)$ is the module of first order differential operators from $R/I^2$ to $k$, there is a canonical structure of Lie algebra on $k\oplus Lie(G)$ inducing one on $Lie(G)$. This structure comes from the group-scheme structure on $G$.

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Question: "I wonder how can we describe the k-vector space structure on TpX˜ inherited from TpX under this identification?"

Answer: Since any point in a scheme is contained in an open affine subscheme and since the tangent space is defined "locally" we may assume $X$ is affine.

Let $I\in X(k)$ with $X:=Spec(A)$ and $A$ a $k$-algebra ($I:=\mathfrak{m}_p$ in your notation). Given any element $\mu\in Hom_k(I/I^2, R/I)$, there is a direct sum decomposition $R/I^2 \cong k \oplus I/I^2$ and a canonical map

$$ \phi(\mu): R/I^2 \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$\phi(\mu)(a,b):=a+\mu(b)\epsilon$ where $a\in k$ and $b\in I/I^2$. You get a canonical map

$$\phi_{\mu}: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by


where $\overline{x}\in R/I^2$.

It seems that if you choose $\mu , \eta \in Hom_k(I/I^2,R/I)$ you will get the map

$$\phi_{\mu +\eta}(a,b):=a+(\mu+\eta)(b)\epsilon.$$

and for any element $u\in k$


This construction seems to induce a $k$-module structure on $ker(X(k[\epsilon])\rightarrow X(k))$ compatible with the one on $(I/I^2)^*$. If $X$ is a group scheme you should be able to determine the kernel of $X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$: There is a canonical map

$$u:X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$$

induced by the canonical map

$$R \rightarrow k[\epsilon] \rightarrow k$$

and your point $I\in X(k)$. Hence if you assume $\phi\in X(k[\epsilon])$ with $\phi \in ker(u)$ it follows

$$\phi(a):=\overline{a}1 +\phi_1(a)\epsilon$$

where $\overline{a}\in R/I$ is the class of $a$. Given two maps $\phi, \psi\in ker(u)$ you may "add them" and "multiply with a constant $\alpha$":

$$\rho, \eta:R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$$\rho(a):= \overline{a}1+(\phi_1+\psi_1)(a)\epsilon$$


$$\eta(a):=\overline{a}1+(\alpha \psi_1(a))\epsilon.$$

This should type of reasoning should induce a $k$-module structure on $\widetilde{T_p(X)}:=ker(u)$ giving an isomorphism of $k$-modules

$$T_p(X) \cong \widetilde{T_p(X)}.$$

Example: $Lie(SL(V))$ Let $V:= k\{e_1,e_2\}$ and $SL(V)$ be the group scheme of linear automorphisms of $V$ with determinant $1$, where $k$ is any commutative unital ring. Let

$$R:=k[x_{11}, x_{12},x_{21},x_{22}]/(det(x_{ij})-1).$$

It follows $SL(V):=Spec(R)$. We want to determine $T_e(SL(V))$ - the tangent space at the identity $e$.

By definition $T_e(SL(V)):=ker(SL(V)(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow SL(V)(k)):=ker(u)$.

A map $\phi \in ker(u)$ is a map on the form

$$\phi: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

with $\phi(x_{11}):=1+a_{11}\epsilon, \phi(x_{12}):=a_{12}\epsilon, \phi(x_{21}):=a_{21}\epsilon, \phi(x_{22}):=1+a_{22}\epsilon$ with $a_{ij}\in k$.

The map $\phi$ induce a map $\phi^*:k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k[\epsilon]$ with the property that $\phi^*(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$, and since the composed map $k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k$ should correspond to the identity matrix, it follows the induced map $\phi$ must satisfy the above conditions. Since the map $\phi$ is well defined it follows $\phi(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$ and this holds iff $a_{11}+a_{22}=0$. Hence $ker(u)$ is the set of matrices $sl(V) :=\{A:=(a_{ij})\in Mat(2,k)$ with $tr(A)=0\}$. Hence

$$Lie(SL(V))\cong sl(V).$$

The following post considers an intrinsic construction of the structure of a Lie algebra on $Lie(SL(V))$ and the universal envloping algebra $U(Lie(SL(V))$ (you must consider the algebra of first order differential operators and the algebra of distributions):

Distributions of a group scheme as differential operators.

If $G:=Spec(R)$ is a group scheme and $I\subseteq G$ is the ideal of the unit element it follows

$$Dist^1(G,e):= Hom_{R/I}(R/I^2, R/I)$$

has the property that if the base field $k$ is of characteristic zero it follows

$$Dist^n(G,e) \cong U^n(Lie(G))$$

is the $n$'th piece of the canonical filtration of the enveloping algebra $U(Lie(G))$. Hence $Dist^1(G,e)=k\oplus Lie(G)$. Since $Dist^1(G,e) \cong Diff^1_k(R/I^2,k)$ is the module of first order differential operators from $R/I^2$ to $k$, there is a canonical structure of Lie algebra on $k\oplus Lie(G)$ inducing one on $Lie(G)$.

Note: The construction is elementary - you must get used to working with coordinate rings and their maximal and prime ideals. In fact: If $R$ is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring it is enough to work with maximal ideals. Any commutative unital ring that is finitely generated over a field or a Dedekind domain is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring.

Question: "I wonder how can we describe the k-vector space structure on TpX˜ inherited from TpX under this identification?"

Answer: Since any point in a scheme is contained in an open affine subscheme and since the tangent space is defined "locally" we may assume $X$ is affine.

Let $I\in X(k)$ with $X:=Spec(A)$ and $A$ a $k$-algebra ($I:=\mathfrak{m}_p$ in your notation). Given any element $\mu\in Hom_k(I/I^2, R/I)$, there is a direct sum decomposition $R/I^2 \cong k \oplus I/I^2$ and a canonical map

$$ \phi(\mu): R/I^2 \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$\phi(\mu)(a,b):=a+\mu(b)\epsilon$ where $a\in k$ and $b\in I/I^2$. You get a canonical map

$$\phi_{\mu}: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by


where $\overline{x}\in R/I^2$.

It seems that if you choose $\mu , \eta \in Hom_k(I/I^2,R/I)$ you will get the map

$$\phi_{\mu +\eta}(a,b):=a+(\mu+\eta)(b)\epsilon.$$

and for any element $u\in k$


This construction seems to induce a $k$-module structure on $ker(X(k[\epsilon])\rightarrow X(k))$ compatible with the one on $(I/I^2)^*$. If $X$ is a group scheme you should be able to determine the kernel of $X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$: There is a canonical map

$$u:X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$$

induced by the canonical map

$$R \rightarrow k[\epsilon] \rightarrow k$$

and your point $I\in X(k)$. Hence if you assume $\phi\in X(k[\epsilon])$ with $\phi \in ker(u)$ it follows

$$\phi(a):=\overline{a}1 +\phi_1(a)\epsilon$$

where $\overline{a}\in R/I$ is the class of $a$. Given two maps $\phi, \psi\in ker(u)$ you may "add them" and "multiply with a constant $\alpha$":

$$\rho, \eta:R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$$\rho(a):= \overline{a}1+(\phi_1+\psi_1)(a)\epsilon$$


$$\eta(a):=\overline{a}1+(\alpha \psi_1(a))\epsilon.$$

This should type of reasoning should induce a $k$-module structure on $\widetilde{T_p(X)}:=ker(u)$ giving an isomorphism of $k$-modules

$$T_p(X) \cong \widetilde{T_p(X)}.$$

Example: $Lie(SL(V))$ Let $V:= k\{e_1,e_2\}$ and $SL(V)$ be the group scheme of linear automorphisms of $V$ with determinant $1$, where $k$ is any commutative unital ring. Let

$$R:=k[x_{11}, x_{12},x_{21},x_{22}]/(det(x_{ij})-1).$$

It follows $SL(V):=Spec(R)$. We want to determine $T_e(SL(V))$ - the tangent space at the identity $e$.

By definition $T_e(SL(V)):=ker(SL(V)(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow SL(V)(k)):=ker(u)$.

A map $\phi \in ker(u)$ is a map on the form

$$\phi: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

with $\phi(x_{11}):=1+a_{11}\epsilon, \phi(x_{12}):=a_{12}\epsilon, \phi(x_{21}):=a_{21}\epsilon, \phi(x_{22}):=1+a_{22}\epsilon$ with $a_{ij}\in k$.

The map $\phi$ induce a map $\phi^*:k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k[\epsilon]$ with the property that $\phi^*(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$, and since the composed map $k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k$ should correspond to the identity matrix, it follows the induced map $\phi$ must satisfy the above conditions. Since the map $\phi$ is well defined it follows $\phi(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$ and this holds iff $a_{11}+a_{22}=0$. Hence $ker(u)$ is the set of matrices $sl(V) :=\{A:=(a_{ij})\in Mat(2,k)$ with $tr(A)=0\}$. Hence

$$Lie(SL(V))\cong sl(V).$$

The following post considers an intrinsic construction of the structure of a Lie algebra on $Lie(SL(V))$ and the universal envloping algebra $U(Lie(SL(V))$ (you must consider the algebra of first order differential operators and the algebra of distributions):

Distributions of a group scheme as differential operators.

Note: The construction is elementary - you must get used to working with coordinate rings and their maximal and prime ideals. In fact: If $R$ is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring it is enough to work with maximal ideals. Any commutative unital ring that is finitely generated over a field or a Dedekind domain is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring.

Question: "I wonder how can we describe the k-vector space structure on TpX˜ inherited from TpX under this identification?"

Answer: Since any point in a scheme is contained in an open affine subscheme and since the tangent space is defined "locally" we may assume $X$ is affine.

Let $I\in X(k)$ with $X:=Spec(A)$ and $A$ a $k$-algebra ($I:=\mathfrak{m}_p$ in your notation). Given any element $\mu\in Hom_k(I/I^2, R/I)$, there is a direct sum decomposition $R/I^2 \cong k \oplus I/I^2$ and a canonical map

$$ \phi(\mu): R/I^2 \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$\phi(\mu)(a,b):=a+\mu(b)\epsilon$ where $a\in k$ and $b\in I/I^2$. You get a canonical map

$$\phi_{\mu}: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by


where $\overline{x}\in R/I^2$.

It seems that if you choose $\mu , \eta \in Hom_k(I/I^2,R/I)$ you will get the map

$$\phi_{\mu +\eta}(a,b):=a+(\mu+\eta)(b)\epsilon.$$

and for any element $u\in k$


This construction seems to induce a $k$-module structure on $ker(X(k[\epsilon])\rightarrow X(k))$ compatible with the one on $(I/I^2)^*$. If $X$ is a group scheme you should be able to determine the kernel of $X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$: There is a canonical map

$$u:X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$$

induced by the canonical map

$$R \rightarrow k[\epsilon] \rightarrow k$$

and your point $I\in X(k)$. Hence if you assume $\phi\in X(k[\epsilon])$ with $\phi \in ker(u)$ it follows

$$\phi(a):=\overline{a}1 +\phi_1(a)\epsilon$$

where $\overline{a}\in R/I$ is the class of $a$. Given two maps $\phi, \psi\in ker(u)$ you may "add them" and "multiply with a constant $\alpha$":

$$\rho, \eta:R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$$\rho(a):= \overline{a}1+(\phi_1+\psi_1)(a)\epsilon$$


$$\eta(a):=\overline{a}1+(\alpha \psi_1(a))\epsilon.$$

This should type of reasoning should induce a $k$-module structure on $\widetilde{T_p(X)}:=ker(u)$ giving an isomorphism of $k$-modules

$$T_p(X) \cong \widetilde{T_p(X)}.$$

Example: $Lie(SL(V))$ Let $V:= k\{e_1,e_2\}$ and $SL(V)$ be the group scheme of linear automorphisms of $V$ with determinant $1$, where $k$ is any commutative unital ring. Let

$$R:=k[x_{11}, x_{12},x_{21},x_{22}]/(det(x_{ij})-1).$$

It follows $SL(V):=Spec(R)$. We want to determine $T_e(SL(V))$ - the tangent space at the identity $e$.

By definition $T_e(SL(V)):=ker(SL(V)(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow SL(V)(k)):=ker(u)$.

A map $\phi \in ker(u)$ is a map on the form

$$\phi: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

with $\phi(x_{11}):=1+a_{11}\epsilon, \phi(x_{12}):=a_{12}\epsilon, \phi(x_{21}):=a_{21}\epsilon, \phi(x_{22}):=1+a_{22}\epsilon$ with $a_{ij}\in k$.

The map $\phi$ induce a map $\phi^*:k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k[\epsilon]$ with the property that $\phi^*(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$, and since the composed map $k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k$ should correspond to the identity matrix, it follows the induced map $\phi$ must satisfy the above conditions. Since the map $\phi$ is well defined it follows $\phi(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$ and this holds iff $a_{11}+a_{22}=0$. Hence $ker(u)$ is the set of matrices $sl(V) :=\{A:=(a_{ij})\in Mat(2,k)$ with $tr(A)=0\}$. Hence

$$Lie(SL(V))\cong sl(V).$$

The following post considers an intrinsic construction of the structure of a Lie algebra on $Lie(SL(V))$ and the universal envloping algebra $U(Lie(SL(V))$ (you must consider the algebra of first order differential operators and the algebra of distributions):

Distributions of a group scheme as differential operators.

If $G:=Spec(R)$ is a group scheme and $I\subseteq G$ is the ideal of the unit element it follows

$$Dist^1(G,e):= Hom_{R/I}(R/I^2, R/I)$$

has the property that if the base field $k$ is of characteristic zero it follows

$$Dist^n(G,e) \cong U^n(Lie(G))$$

is the $n$'th piece of the canonical filtration of the enveloping algebra $U(Lie(G))$. Hence $Dist^1(G,e)=k\oplus Lie(G)$. Since $Dist^1(G,e) \cong Diff^1_k(R/I^2,k)$ is the module of first order differential operators from $R/I^2$ to $k$, there is a canonical structure of Lie algebra on $k\oplus Lie(G)$ inducing one on $Lie(G)$.

Note: The construction is elementary - you must get used to working with coordinate rings and their maximal and prime ideals. In fact: If $R$ is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring it is enough to work with maximal ideals. Any commutative unital ring that is finitely generated over a field or a Dedekind domain is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring.

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Question: "I wonder how can we describe the k-vector space structure on TpX˜ inherited from TpX under this identification?"

Answer: Since any point in a scheme is contained in an open affine subscheme and since the tangent space is defined "locally" we may assume $X$ is affine.

Let $I\in X(k)$ with $X:=Spec(A)$ and $A$ a $k$-algebra ($I:=\mathfrak{m}_p$ in your notation). Given any element $\mu\in Hom_k(I/I^2, R/I)$, there is a direct sum decomposition $R/I^2 \cong k \oplus I/I^2$ and a canonical map

$$ \phi(\mu): R/I^2 \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$\phi(\mu)(a,b):=a+\mu(b)\epsilon$ where $a\in k$ and $b\in I/I^2$. You get a canonical map

$$\phi_{\mu}: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by


where $\overline{x}\in R/I^2$.

It seems that if you choose $\mu , \eta \in Hom_k(I/I^2,R/I)$ you will get the map

$$\phi_{\mu +\eta}(a,b):=a+(\mu+\eta)(b)\epsilon.$$

and for any element $u\in k$


This construction seems to induce a $k$-module structure on $ker(X(k[\epsilon])\rightarrow X(k))$ compatible with the one on $(I/I^2)^*$. If $X$ is a group scheme you should be able to determine the kernel of $X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$: There is a canonical map

$$u:X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$$

induced by the canonical map

$$R \rightarrow k[\epsilon] \rightarrow k$$

and your point $I\in X(k)$. Hence if you assume $\phi\in X(k[\epsilon])$ with $\phi \in ker(u)$ it follows

$$\phi(a):=\overline{a}1 +\phi_1(a)\epsilon$$

where $\overline{a}\in R/I$ is the class of $a$. Given two maps $\phi, \psi\in ker(u)$ you may "add them" and "multiply with a constant $\alpha$":

$$\rho, \eta:R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$$\rho(a):= \overline{a}1+(\phi_1+\psi_1)(a)\epsilon$$


$$\eta(a):=\overline{a}1+(\alpha \psi_1(a))\epsilon.$$

This should type of reasoning should induce a $k$-module structure on $\widetilde{T_p(X)}:=ker(u)$ giving an isomorphism of $k$-modules

$$T_p(X) \cong \widetilde{T_p(X)}.$$

Example: $Lie(SL(V))$ Let $V:= k\{e_1,e_2\}$ and $SL(V)$ be the group scheme of linear automorphisms of $V$ with determinant $1$, where $k$ is any commutative unital ring. Let

$$R:=k[x_{11}, x_{12},x_{21},x_{22}]/(det(x_{ij})-1).$$

It follows $SL(V):=Spec(R)$. We want to determine $T_e(SL(V))$ - the tangent space at the identity $e$.

By definition $T_e(SL(V)):=ker(SL(V)(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow SL(V)(k)):=ker(u)$.

A map $\phi \in ker(u)$ is a map on the form

$$\phi: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

with $\phi(x_{11}):=1+a_{11}\epsilon, \phi(x_{12}):=a_{12}\epsilon, \phi(x_{21}):=a_{21}\epsilon, \phi(x_{22}):=1+a_{22}\epsilon$ with $a_{ij}\in k$.

The map $\phi$ induce a map $\phi^*:k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k[\epsilon]$ with the property that $\phi^*(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$, and since the composed map $k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k$ should correspond to the identity matrix, it follows the induced map $\phi$ must satisfy the above conditions. Since the map $\phi$ is well defined it follows $\phi(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$ and this holds iff $a_{11}+a_{22}=0$. Hence $ker(u)$ is the set of matrices $sl(V) :=\{A:=(a_{ij})\in Mat(2,k)$ with $tr(A)=0\}$. Hence

$$Lie(SL(V))\cong sl(V).$$

The following post considers an intrinsic construction of the structure of a Lie algebra on $Lie(SL(V))$ and the universal envloping algebra $U(Lie(SL(V))$ (you must consider the algebra of first order differential operators and the algebra of distributions):

Distributions of a group scheme as differential operators.

Note: The construction is elementary - you must get used to working with coordinate rings and their maximal and prime ideals. In fact: If $R$ is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring it is enough to work with maximal ideals. Any commutative unital ring that is finitely generated over a field or a Dedekind domain is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring.

Question: "I wonder how can we describe the k-vector space structure on TpX˜ inherited from TpX under this identification?"

Answer: Since any point in a scheme is contained in an open affine subscheme and since the tangent space is defined "locally" we may assume $X$ is affine.

Let $I\in X(k)$ with $X:=Spec(A)$ and $A$ a $k$-algebra ($I:=\mathfrak{m}_p$ in your notation). Given any element $\mu\in Hom_k(I/I^2, R/I)$, there is a direct sum decomposition $R/I^2 \cong k \oplus I/I^2$ and a canonical map

$$ \phi(\mu): R/I^2 \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$\phi(\mu)(a,b):=a+\mu(b)\epsilon$ where $a\in k$ and $b\in I/I^2$. You get a canonical map

$$\phi_{\mu}: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by


where $\overline{x}\in R/I^2$.

It seems that if you choose $\mu , \eta \in Hom_k(I/I^2,R/I)$ you will get the map

$$\phi_{\mu +\eta}(a,b):=a+(\mu+\eta)(b)\epsilon.$$

and for any element $u\in k$


This construction seems to induce a $k$-module structure on $ker(X(k[\epsilon])\rightarrow X(k))$ compatible with the one on $(I/I^2)^*$. If $X$ is a group scheme you should be able to determine the kernel of $X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$: There is a canonical map

$$u:X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$$

induced by the canonical map

$$R \rightarrow k[\epsilon] \rightarrow k$$

and your point $I\in X(k)$. Hence if you assume $\phi\in X(k[\epsilon])$ with $\phi \in ker(u)$ it follows

$$\phi(a):=\overline{a}1 +\phi_1(a)\epsilon$$

where $\overline{a}\in R/I$ is the class of $a$. Given two maps $\phi, \psi\in ker(u)$ you may "add them" and "multiply with a constant $\alpha$":

$$\rho, \eta:R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$$\rho(a):= \overline{a}1+(\phi_1+\psi_1)(a)\epsilon$$


$$\eta(a):=\overline{a}1+(\alpha \psi_1(a))\epsilon.$$

This should type of reasoning should induce a $k$-module structure on $\widetilde{T_p(X)}:=ker(u)$ giving an isomorphism of $k$-modules

$$T_p(X) \cong \widetilde{T_p(X)}.$$

Example: $Lie(SL(V))$ Let $V:= k\{e_1,e_2\}$ and $SL(V)$ be the group scheme of linear automorphisms of $V$ with determinant $1$, where $k$ is any commutative unital ring. Let

$$R:=k[x_{11}, x_{12},x_{21},x_{22}]/(det(x_{ij})-1).$$

It follows $SL(V):=Spec(R)$. We want to determine $T_e(SL(V))$ - the tangent space at the identity $e$.

By definition $T_e(SL(V)):=ker(SL(V)(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow SL(V)(k)):=ker(u)$.

A map $\phi \in ker(u)$ is a map on the form

$$\phi: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

with $\phi(x_{11}):=1+a_{11}\epsilon, \phi(x_{12}):=a_{12}\epsilon, \phi(x_{21}):=a_{21}\epsilon, \phi(x_{22}):=1+a_{22}\epsilon$ with $a_{ij}\in k$.

The map $\phi$ induce a map $\phi^*:k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k[\epsilon]$ with the property that $\phi^*(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$, and since the composed map $k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k$ should correspond to the identity matrix, it follows the induced map $\phi$ must satisfy the above conditions. Since the map $\phi$ is well defined it follows $\phi(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$ and this holds iff $a_{11}+a_{22}=0$. Hence $ker(u)$ is the set of matrices $sl(V) :=\{A:=(a_{ij})\in Mat(2,k)$ with $tr(A)=0\}$. Hence

$$Lie(SL(V))\cong sl(V).$$

Note: The construction is elementary - you must get used to working with coordinate rings and their maximal and prime ideals. In fact: If $R$ is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring it is enough to work with maximal ideals. Any commutative unital ring that is finitely generated over a field or a Dedekind domain is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring.

Question: "I wonder how can we describe the k-vector space structure on TpX˜ inherited from TpX under this identification?"

Answer: Since any point in a scheme is contained in an open affine subscheme and since the tangent space is defined "locally" we may assume $X$ is affine.

Let $I\in X(k)$ with $X:=Spec(A)$ and $A$ a $k$-algebra ($I:=\mathfrak{m}_p$ in your notation). Given any element $\mu\in Hom_k(I/I^2, R/I)$, there is a direct sum decomposition $R/I^2 \cong k \oplus I/I^2$ and a canonical map

$$ \phi(\mu): R/I^2 \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$\phi(\mu)(a,b):=a+\mu(b)\epsilon$ where $a\in k$ and $b\in I/I^2$. You get a canonical map

$$\phi_{\mu}: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by


where $\overline{x}\in R/I^2$.

It seems that if you choose $\mu , \eta \in Hom_k(I/I^2,R/I)$ you will get the map

$$\phi_{\mu +\eta}(a,b):=a+(\mu+\eta)(b)\epsilon.$$

and for any element $u\in k$


This construction seems to induce a $k$-module structure on $ker(X(k[\epsilon])\rightarrow X(k))$ compatible with the one on $(I/I^2)^*$. If $X$ is a group scheme you should be able to determine the kernel of $X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$: There is a canonical map

$$u:X(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow X(k)$$

induced by the canonical map

$$R \rightarrow k[\epsilon] \rightarrow k$$

and your point $I\in X(k)$. Hence if you assume $\phi\in X(k[\epsilon])$ with $\phi \in ker(u)$ it follows

$$\phi(a):=\overline{a}1 +\phi_1(a)\epsilon$$

where $\overline{a}\in R/I$ is the class of $a$. Given two maps $\phi, \psi\in ker(u)$ you may "add them" and "multiply with a constant $\alpha$":

$$\rho, \eta:R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

defined by

$$\rho(a):= \overline{a}1+(\phi_1+\psi_1)(a)\epsilon$$


$$\eta(a):=\overline{a}1+(\alpha \psi_1(a))\epsilon.$$

This should type of reasoning should induce a $k$-module structure on $\widetilde{T_p(X)}:=ker(u)$ giving an isomorphism of $k$-modules

$$T_p(X) \cong \widetilde{T_p(X)}.$$

Example: $Lie(SL(V))$ Let $V:= k\{e_1,e_2\}$ and $SL(V)$ be the group scheme of linear automorphisms of $V$ with determinant $1$, where $k$ is any commutative unital ring. Let

$$R:=k[x_{11}, x_{12},x_{21},x_{22}]/(det(x_{ij})-1).$$

It follows $SL(V):=Spec(R)$. We want to determine $T_e(SL(V))$ - the tangent space at the identity $e$.

By definition $T_e(SL(V)):=ker(SL(V)(k[\epsilon]) \rightarrow SL(V)(k)):=ker(u)$.

A map $\phi \in ker(u)$ is a map on the form

$$\phi: R \rightarrow k[\epsilon]$$

with $\phi(x_{11}):=1+a_{11}\epsilon, \phi(x_{12}):=a_{12}\epsilon, \phi(x_{21}):=a_{21}\epsilon, \phi(x_{22}):=1+a_{22}\epsilon$ with $a_{ij}\in k$.

The map $\phi$ induce a map $\phi^*:k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k[\epsilon]$ with the property that $\phi^*(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$, and since the composed map $k[x_{ij}]\rightarrow k$ should correspond to the identity matrix, it follows the induced map $\phi$ must satisfy the above conditions. Since the map $\phi$ is well defined it follows $\phi(det(x_{ij})-1)=0$ and this holds iff $a_{11}+a_{22}=0$. Hence $ker(u)$ is the set of matrices $sl(V) :=\{A:=(a_{ij})\in Mat(2,k)$ with $tr(A)=0\}$. Hence

$$Lie(SL(V))\cong sl(V).$$

The following post considers an intrinsic construction of the structure of a Lie algebra on $Lie(SL(V))$ and the universal envloping algebra $U(Lie(SL(V))$ (you must consider the algebra of first order differential operators and the algebra of distributions):

Distributions of a group scheme as differential operators.

Note: The construction is elementary - you must get used to working with coordinate rings and their maximal and prime ideals. In fact: If $R$ is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring it is enough to work with maximal ideals. Any commutative unital ring that is finitely generated over a field or a Dedekind domain is a Hilbert-Jacobson ring.

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