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In simple terms, for integers you can start with smallest no. i.e. (1,2), (2,3), (2,4).

  • 1^2 < 2^1$1^2 < 2^1$,
  • 2^3 < 3^2$2^3 < 3^2$ and
  • 2^4 = 4^2$2^4 = 4^2$.

In all the above cases n^m > m^n$n^m > m^n$ was false for all m>n. By observing the pattern for all n>=2 and m>4 we have n^m > m^n$n^m > m^n$ true. Consider

  • (2,5) \implies$\implies$ 32 > 25 or
  • (3,4) \implies$\implies$ 81 > 64 or
  • (4,100) \implies$\implies$ (1.6 * 10^60) > 100000000 and so on...

So basically even a small number but with large exponent/power is greater than a big number with small exponent as observed above, except for some cases. Bigger exponent matters more than a big base number.

As for the proof part you can take log of n^m$n^m$ and m^n$m^n$.
As the function \frac{\log x}{x}$\frac{\log x}{x}$ is a decreasing function for x > e(\approx$\approx$ 2.718)
\frac{\log n}{n} > \frac{\log m}{m}

$\implies$ $\frac{\log n}{n} > \frac{\log m}{m}$ (for m>n)

So, (as mentioned in above answers also)
nm > mn > e \implies m^n > n^m$\implies$ $n^m > m^n$.

In simple terms, for integers you can start with smallest no. i.e. (1,2), (2,3), (2,4).

  • 1^2 < 2^1,
  • 2^3 < 3^2 and
  • 2^4 = 4^2.

In all the above cases n^m > m^n was false for all m>n. By observing the pattern for all n>=2 and m>4 we have n^m > m^n true. Consider

  • (2,5) \implies 32 > 25 or
  • (3,4) \implies 81 > 64 or
  • (4,100) \implies (1.6 * 10^60) > 100000000 and so on...

So basically even a small number but with large exponent/power is greater than a big number with small exponent as observed above, except for some cases. Bigger exponent matters more than a big base number.

As for the proof part you can take log of n^m and m^n.
As the function \frac{\log x}{x} is a decreasing function for x > e(\approx 2.718)
\frac{\log n}{n} > \frac{\log m}{m} (for m>n)
So, (as mentioned in above answers also)
n > m > e \implies m^n > n^m.

In simple terms, for integers you can start with smallest no. i.e. (1,2), (2,3), (2,4).

  • $1^2 < 2^1$,
  • $2^3 < 3^2$ and
  • $2^4 = 4^2$.

In all the above cases $n^m > m^n$ was false for all m>n. By observing the pattern for all n>=2 and m>4 we have $n^m > m^n$ true. Consider

  • (2,5) $\implies$ 32 > 25 or
  • (3,4) $\implies$ 81 > 64 or
  • (4,100) $\implies$ (1.6 * 10^60) > 100000000 and so on...

So basically even a small number but with large exponent/power is greater than a big number with small exponent as observed above, except for some cases. Bigger exponent matters more than a big base number.

As for the proof part you can take log of $n^m$ and $m^n$.
As the function $\frac{\log x}{x}$ is a decreasing function for x > e($\approx$ 2.718)

$\implies$ $\frac{\log n}{n} > \frac{\log m}{m}$ (for m>n)

So, (as mentioned in above answers also)
m > n > e $\implies$ $n^m > m^n$.

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In simple terms, for integers you can start with smallest no. i.e. (1,2), (2,3), (2,4).

  • 1^2 < 2^1,
  • 2^3 < 3^2 and
  • 2^4 = 4^2.

In all the above cases n^m > m^n was false for all m>n. By observing the pattern for all n>=2 and m>4 we have n^m > m^n true. Consider

  • (2,5) \implies 32 > 25 or
  • (3,4) \implies 81 > 64 or
  • (4,100) \implies (1.6 * 10^60) > 100000000 and so on...

So basically even a small number but with large exponent/power is greater than a big number with small exponent as observed above, except for some cases. Bigger exponent matters more than a big base number.

As for the proof part you can take log of n^m and m^n.
As the function \frac{\log x}{x} is a decreasing function for x > e(\approx 2.718)
\frac{\log n}{n} > \frac{\log m}{m} (for m>n)
So, (as mentioned in above answers also)
n > m > e \implies m^n > n^m.