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Pythagoras Theorem Doubt. Can a right triangle have odd-length legs and even-length hypotenuse?

Is it possible to have an even integer hypotenuse and oddodd integer legs ( perpendicularperpendicular and base) in a right triangle??If If yes, please give an example. If no then please prove that.

I tried searching it on Google for such triple but couldn't find any.

Pythagoras Theorem Doubt.

Is it possible to have an even integer hypotenuse and odd integer legs ( perpendicular and base) in a right triangle??If yes, please give an example. If no then please prove that.

I tried searching it on Google for such triple but couldn't find any.

Can a right triangle have odd-length legs and even-length hypotenuse?

Is it possible to have an even integer hypotenuse and odd integer legs (perpendicular and base) in a right triangle? If yes, please give an example. If no then please prove that.

Pythagoras Theorem Doubt.

Is it possible to have an even integer hypotenuse and other sides as odd integers odd integer legs ( perpendicular and base) in a right triangle? Also?If yes, please give an example. If no then please prove that.

I tried searching it on Google for such triple but couldn't find any.

Pythagoras Theorem Doubt

Is it possible to have an even integer hypotenuse and other sides as odd integers ? Also, please give an example.

I tried searching it on Google for such triple but couldn't find any.

Pythagoras Theorem Doubt.

Is it possible to have an even integer hypotenuse and odd integer legs ( perpendicular and base) in a right triangle??If yes, please give an example. If no then please prove that.

I tried searching it on Google for such triple but couldn't find any.

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Pythagoras Theorem Doubt

Is it possible to have an even integer hypotenuse and other sides as odd integers ? Also, please give an example.

I tried searching it on Google for such triple but couldn't find any.