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Polynomials can describe geometric objects

In high school we learn that some low order polynomials can describe geometric shapes:

Basic shapes we all recognize ( as intro ) $$\begin{array}{llr}y&=kx+m& (\text{ line })\\r^2 &= x^2+y^2 & (\text{ circle })\\y &= x^2+ax+b &( \text{ parabola })\end{array}$$

Cool properties consider the rotation $$\left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{rr}\cos(\phi)&\sin(\phi)\\-\sin(\phi)&\cos(\phi)\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{new}\\y_{new}\end{array}\right]$$ and then we substitute each $x^ay^b$ and carry out the multiplications and we will still have a polynomial. By similar reasoning we can do scaling and translation and still remain a polynomial. If we rewrite the polynomials to be expressions equal to 0: $$p_a(x,y)= 0, p_b(x,y) = 0$$ then we can multiply them and use the fact that $$b\cdot a = a\cdot b = 0, \forall a \neq 0, \text{iff } b=0$$ This gives us ability to combine shapes into one and the same representation. We can also do something of the opposite: equation systems which can get the intersection. Example is intersection of two lines is an equation system of two lines. The interesection of a sphere and a plane is a point or a circle. This is also where the expression conic section comes from: an intersection between a cone and something!

And still after all this which is so visually accessible and easy to explain in one sense, still involves challenges in modern math of algebraic geometry has had lots of development even in the last 50 years.

below: $\frac{x^p}{a^p} + \frac{y^p}{b^p} = 1$$ax^p + by^p - k^p = 0$ for $p=6$. When $p$ grows it will get closer and closer to a rectangle. To the right is the "fifth heart curve" (source: Wolfram Alpha) is an 8th degree polynomial.

Polynomials can describe geometric objects

In high school we learn that some low order polynomials can describe geometric shapes:

Basic shapes we all recognize ( as intro ) $$\begin{array}{llr}y&=kx+m& (\text{ line })\\r^2 &= x^2+y^2 & (\text{ circle })\\y &= x^2+ax+b &( \text{ parabola })\end{array}$$

Cool properties consider the rotation $$\left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{rr}\cos(\phi)&\sin(\phi)\\-\sin(\phi)&\cos(\phi)\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{new}\\y_{new}\end{array}\right]$$ and then we substitute each $x^ay^b$ and carry out the multiplications and we will still have a polynomial. By similar reasoning we can do scaling and translation and still remain a polynomial. If we rewrite the polynomials to be expressions equal to 0: $$p_a(x,y)= 0, p_b(x,y) = 0$$ then we can multiply them and use the fact that $$b\cdot a = a\cdot b = 0, \forall a \neq 0, \text{iff } b=0$$ This gives us ability to combine shapes into one and the same representation. We can also do something of the opposite: equation systems which can get the intersection. Example is intersection of two lines is an equation system of two lines. The interesection of a sphere and a plane is a point or a circle. This is also where the expression conic section comes from: an intersection between a cone and something!

And still after all this which is so visually accessible and easy to explain in one sense, still involves challenges in modern math of algebraic geometry has had lots of development even in the last 50 years.

below: $\frac{x^p}{a^p} + \frac{y^p}{b^p} = 1$ for $p=6$. When $p$ grows it will get closer and closer to a rectangle. To the right is the "fifth heart curve" (source: Wolfram Alpha) is an 8th degree polynomial.

Polynomials can describe geometric objects

In high school we learn that some low order polynomials can describe geometric shapes:

Basic shapes we all recognize ( as intro ) $$\begin{array}{llr}y&=kx+m& (\text{ line })\\r^2 &= x^2+y^2 & (\text{ circle })\\y &= x^2+ax+b &( \text{ parabola })\end{array}$$

Cool properties consider the rotation $$\left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{rr}\cos(\phi)&\sin(\phi)\\-\sin(\phi)&\cos(\phi)\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{new}\\y_{new}\end{array}\right]$$ and then we substitute each $x^ay^b$ and carry out the multiplications and we will still have a polynomial. By similar reasoning we can do scaling and translation and still remain a polynomial. If we rewrite the polynomials to be expressions equal to 0: $$p_a(x,y)= 0, p_b(x,y) = 0$$ then we can multiply them and use the fact that $$b\cdot a = a\cdot b = 0, \forall a \neq 0, \text{iff } b=0$$ This gives us ability to combine shapes into one and the same representation. We can also do something of the opposite: equation systems which can get the intersection. Example is intersection of two lines is an equation system of two lines. The interesection of a sphere and a plane is a point or a circle. This is also where the expression conic section comes from: an intersection between a cone and something!

And still after all this which is so visually accessible and easy to explain in one sense, still involves challenges in modern math of algebraic geometry has had lots of development even in the last 50 years.

below: $ax^p + by^p - k^p = 0$ for $p=6$. When $p$ grows it will get closer and closer to a rectangle. To the right is the "fifth heart curve" (source: Wolfram Alpha) is an 8th degree polynomial.

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Polynomials can describe geometric objects

In high school we learn that some low order polynomials can describe geometric shapes:

Basic shapes we all recognize ( as intro ) $$\begin{array}{llr}y&=kx+m& (\text{ line })\\r^2 &= x^2+y^2 & (\text{ circle })\\y &= x^2+ax+b &( \text{ parabola })\end{array}$$

Cool properties consider the rotation $$\left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{rr}\cos(\phi)&\sin(\phi)\\-\sin(\phi)&\cos(\phi)\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{new}\\y_{new}\end{array}\right]$$ and then we substitute each $x^ay^b$ and carry out the multiplications and we will still have a polynomial. By similar reasoning we can do scaling and translation and still remain a polynomial. If we rewrite the polynomials to be expressions equal to 0: $$p_a(x,y)= 0, p_b(x,y) = 0$$ then we can multiply them and use the fact that $$b\cdot a = a\cdot b = 0, \forall a \neq 0, \text{iff } b=0$$ This gives us ability to combine shapes into one and the same representation. We can also do something of the opposite: equation systems which can get the intersection. Example is intersection of two lines is an equation system of two lines. The interesection of a sphere and a plane is a point or a circle. This is also where the expression conic section comes from: an intersection between a cone and something!

And still after all this which is so visually accessible and easy to explain in one sense, still involves challenges in modern math of algebraic geometry has had lots of development even in the last 50 years.

below: $x^p + x^p - k^p = 0$$\frac{x^p}{a^p} + \frac{y^p}{b^p} = 1$ for $p=6$. When $p$ grows it will get closer and closer to a rectangle. To the right is the "fifth heart curve" (source: Wolfram Alpha) is an 8th degree polynomial.

Polynomials can describe geometric objects

In high school we learn that some low order polynomials can describe geometric shapes:

Basic shapes we all recognize ( as intro ) $$\begin{array}{llr}y&=kx+m& (\text{ line })\\r^2 &= x^2+y^2 & (\text{ circle })\\y &= x^2+ax+b &( \text{ parabola })\end{array}$$

Cool properties consider the rotation $$\left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{rr}\cos(\phi)&\sin(\phi)\\-\sin(\phi)&\cos(\phi)\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{new}\\y_{new}\end{array}\right]$$ and then we substitute each $x^ay^b$ and carry out the multiplications and we will still have a polynomial. By similar reasoning we can do scaling and translation and still remain a polynomial. If we rewrite the polynomials to be expressions equal to 0: $$p_a(x,y)= 0, p_b(x,y) = 0$$ then we can multiply them and use the fact that $$b\cdot a = a\cdot b = 0, \forall a \neq 0, \text{iff } b=0$$ This gives us ability to combine shapes into one and the same representation. We can also do something of the opposite: equation systems which can get the intersection. Example is intersection of two lines is an equation system of two lines. The interesection of a sphere and a plane is a point or a circle. This is also where the expression conic section comes from: an intersection between a cone and something!

And still after all this which is so visually accessible and easy to explain in one sense, still involves challenges in modern math of algebraic geometry has had lots of development even in the last 50 years.

below: $x^p + x^p - k^p = 0$ for $p=6$. When $p$ grows it will get closer and closer to a rectangle. To the right is the "fifth heart curve" (source: Wolfram Alpha) is an 8th degree polynomial.

Polynomials can describe geometric objects

In high school we learn that some low order polynomials can describe geometric shapes:

Basic shapes we all recognize ( as intro ) $$\begin{array}{llr}y&=kx+m& (\text{ line })\\r^2 &= x^2+y^2 & (\text{ circle })\\y &= x^2+ax+b &( \text{ parabola })\end{array}$$

Cool properties consider the rotation $$\left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{rr}\cos(\phi)&\sin(\phi)\\-\sin(\phi)&\cos(\phi)\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{new}\\y_{new}\end{array}\right]$$ and then we substitute each $x^ay^b$ and carry out the multiplications and we will still have a polynomial. By similar reasoning we can do scaling and translation and still remain a polynomial. If we rewrite the polynomials to be expressions equal to 0: $$p_a(x,y)= 0, p_b(x,y) = 0$$ then we can multiply them and use the fact that $$b\cdot a = a\cdot b = 0, \forall a \neq 0, \text{iff } b=0$$ This gives us ability to combine shapes into one and the same representation. We can also do something of the opposite: equation systems which can get the intersection. Example is intersection of two lines is an equation system of two lines. The interesection of a sphere and a plane is a point or a circle. This is also where the expression conic section comes from: an intersection between a cone and something!

And still after all this which is so visually accessible and easy to explain in one sense, still involves challenges in modern math of algebraic geometry has had lots of development even in the last 50 years.

below: $\frac{x^p}{a^p} + \frac{y^p}{b^p} = 1$ for $p=6$. When $p$ grows it will get closer and closer to a rectangle. To the right is the "fifth heart curve" (source: Wolfram Alpha) is an 8th degree polynomial.

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Polynomials can describe geometric objects

In high school we learn that some low order polynomials can describe geometric shapes:

Basic shapes we all recognize ( as intro ) $$\begin{array}{rr}y=kx+m& (line)\\x^2+y^2 = r^2 & (circle)\\y = x^2+ax+b &( parabola)\end{array}$$$$\begin{array}{llr}y&=kx+m& (\text{ line })\\r^2 &= x^2+y^2 & (\text{ circle })\\y &= x^2+ax+b &( \text{ parabola })\end{array}$$

Cool properties consider the rotation $$\left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{rr}\cos(\phi)&\sin(\phi)\\-\sin(\phi)&\cos(\phi)\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{new}\\y_{new}\end{array}\right]$$ and then we substitute each $x^ay^b$ and carry out the multiplications and we will still have a polynomial. By similar reasoning we can do scaling and translation and still remain a polynomial. If we rewrite the polynomials to be expressions equal to 0: $$p_a(x,y)= 0, p_b(x,y) = 0$$ then we can multiply them and use the fact that $$b\cdot a = a\cdot b = 0, \forall a \neq 0, \text{iff } b=0$$ This gives us ability to combine shapes into one and the same representation. We can also do something of the opposite: equation systems which can get the intersection. Example is intersection of two lines is an equation system of two lines. The interesection of a sphere and a plane is a point or a circle. This is also where the expression conic section comes from: an intersection between a cone and something!

And still after all this which is so visually accessible and easy to explain in one sense, still involves challenges in modern math of algebraic geometry has had lots of development even in the last 50 years.

below: $x^p + x^p - k^p = 0$ for $p=6$. When $p$ grows it will get closer and closer to a rectangle. To the right is the "fifth heart curve" (source: Wolfram Alpha) is an 8th degree polynomial.

Polynomials can describe geometric objects

In high school we learn that some low order polynomials can describe geometric shapes:

Basic shapes we all recognize ( as intro ) $$\begin{array}{rr}y=kx+m& (line)\\x^2+y^2 = r^2 & (circle)\\y = x^2+ax+b &( parabola)\end{array}$$

Cool properties consider the rotation $$\left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{rr}\cos(\phi)&\sin(\phi)\\-\sin(\phi)&\cos(\phi)\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{new}\\y_{new}\end{array}\right]$$ and then we substitute each $x^ay^b$ and carry out the multiplications and we will still have a polynomial. By similar reasoning we can do scaling and translation and still remain a polynomial. If we rewrite the polynomials to be expressions equal to 0: $$p_a(x,y)= 0, p_b(x,y) = 0$$ then we can multiply them and use the fact that $$b\cdot a = a\cdot b = 0, \forall a \neq 0, \text{iff } b=0$$ This gives us ability to combine shapes into one and the same representation. We can also do something of the opposite: equation systems which can get the intersection. Example is intersection of two lines is an equation system of two lines. The interesection of a sphere and a plane is a point or a circle. This is also where the expression conic section comes from: an intersection between a cone and something!

And still after all this which is so visually accessible and easy to explain in one sense, still involves challenges in modern math of algebraic geometry has had lots of development even in the last 50 years.

below: $x^p + x^p - k^p = 0$ for $p=6$. When $p$ grows it will get closer and closer to a rectangle. To the right is the "fifth heart curve" (source: Wolfram Alpha) is an 8th degree polynomial.

Polynomials can describe geometric objects

In high school we learn that some low order polynomials can describe geometric shapes:

Basic shapes we all recognize ( as intro ) $$\begin{array}{llr}y&=kx+m& (\text{ line })\\r^2 &= x^2+y^2 & (\text{ circle })\\y &= x^2+ax+b &( \text{ parabola })\end{array}$$

Cool properties consider the rotation $$\left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{rr}\cos(\phi)&\sin(\phi)\\-\sin(\phi)&\cos(\phi)\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{new}\\y_{new}\end{array}\right]$$ and then we substitute each $x^ay^b$ and carry out the multiplications and we will still have a polynomial. By similar reasoning we can do scaling and translation and still remain a polynomial. If we rewrite the polynomials to be expressions equal to 0: $$p_a(x,y)= 0, p_b(x,y) = 0$$ then we can multiply them and use the fact that $$b\cdot a = a\cdot b = 0, \forall a \neq 0, \text{iff } b=0$$ This gives us ability to combine shapes into one and the same representation. We can also do something of the opposite: equation systems which can get the intersection. Example is intersection of two lines is an equation system of two lines. The interesection of a sphere and a plane is a point or a circle. This is also where the expression conic section comes from: an intersection between a cone and something!

And still after all this which is so visually accessible and easy to explain in one sense, still involves challenges in modern math of algebraic geometry has had lots of development even in the last 50 years.

below: $x^p + x^p - k^p = 0$ for $p=6$. When $p$ grows it will get closer and closer to a rectangle. To the right is the "fifth heart curve" (source: Wolfram Alpha) is an 8th degree polynomial.

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