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Theo Bendit's user avatar
Theo Bendit's user avatar
Theo Bendit
  • Member for 9 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
61 votes

Can we please be more generous to elementary beginners?

22 votes

2020 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

16 votes

Firing mods and forced relicensing: sudden changes at SE

13 votes

Heteronormativity and binary gender assumptions

13 votes

Under what criteria should we remove questions from the HNQ list?

9 votes

Autofilters for Hot Network Questions

8 votes

About an specific user not writing properly

8 votes

Why are the user suspension criteria applied for unfair comments on the main site currently not applied for unfair use of public chat rooms?

7 votes

Should we discourage full solutions to questions that explicitly ask for a hint?

6 votes

Requests for Reopen & Undeletion Votes (volume 07/2018 - 12/2020)

6 votes

Should I change the tag to the correct one, even if the asker does not know the topic?

5 votes

Why do users give answers using alternative method when I'm asking what went wrong with my solution?

4 votes

Examples of poor review audits

0 votes

2020 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

-2 votes

A question quickly closed and deleted