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Questions tagged [chat]

For questions about real time web chat that accompanies Mathematics Stack Exchange site.

-3 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to ask for tutoring in a chatroom?

There is a particular user who has helped a lot of a niche area of questions on this website. I am preparing for a competitive exam in a couple of months and I do have some more questions which may ...
Maths Wizzard's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I see my chats?

I've now realized that I don't know how to access to my old chats. How do I know if someone answered me in a chat? Because I don't get any notifications in the "inbox". Is there a way to see ...
Math Attack's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Let's discuss this in chat ...

Occasionally, I get involved in exchanges of comments on MSE and the other party eventually says "let's discuss this in chat". Am I being antisocial in never taking up this offer? I feel ...
Rob Arthan's user avatar
  • 49.3k
14 votes
1 answer

Math.SE chatrooms: how far off-topic is acceptable?

Background Math.SE has an associated chat functionality. This can be useful for lots of things - there's a general mathematical chatroom which handles lots of quick little questions; there's a ...
KReiser's user avatar
  • 67.4k
8 votes
1 answer

I have a reputation of about 1000 on MSE but I can't comment in CURED chatroom

I was trying to post/comment in CURED chatroom but I was unable to do so because when I entered the CURED Chatroom( , it leaves that I must have atleast ...
user avatar
5 votes
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Can we enable MathJax support for MSE chats?

It would be great if the MathJax typed by users in the chat windows loads as proper MathJax should (as in the case of posts, for example). It is not convenient to read MathJax code directly and figure ...
stoic-santiago's user avatar
17 votes
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Would a chatroom for new users be feasible?

Several times some users suggested that it might be useful to have a separate chatroom to help new users. (Directing them to various resources, suggesting how their post(s) can be improved, help with ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What should I do to chat successfully?

Due to local firewalls I need VPN to visit stackexchange networks. I've already added all sites with suffix "" to my VPN list, but chatroom is still inaccessible for me. ...
Infiniticism's user avatar
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(How) Can we make our mobile phone to make a sound when we get pinged in chat?

Sometimes it is more customary to work in chat rooms, and as there are less chances for synchronous conversation we usually ping users. When we are on computer and get pinged, we get a sound like &...
Knight wants Loong back's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Contacting a suspended user via meta?

How can a user suspended on this site that is also not allowed to chat communicate with other users on this site ? Can this be done via meta or is there another proper way to do that ? In my case I ...
Peter's user avatar
  • 85.1k
5 votes
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Why can't I talk in the Pearl Dive Chat room?

Is Stack Exchange reputation different than regular? I have more than 20 reputation, but I don't seem to be allowed to talk in chat rooms.
Burt's user avatar
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Help with Chat and Question

I am trying to add a user to chat I made because I have a question about his answer he gave a while back to a specific question Problem Here The person's name is the last answer at the bottom. Do you ...
Jose M Serra's user avatar
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56 votes
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Launching *Pearl Dive* - a chatroom where excellent questions/answers meet willing sponsors

Announcing the birth of the Pearl Dive – a chatroom dedicated to enhancing the quality of the material on the site, sieving out the pearls from the sand. Caveat: I'm new to creating chatrooms, ...
Jyrki Lahtonen's user avatar
8 votes
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Would a PARI GP specific (teaching a bit hopefully) chat be popular?

I'm thinking of opening a PARI GP specific discussion, and teaching (I know a bit) chat room. I've been made aware that chats freeze if left 14 days without activity, and I don't want that to happen ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Would it be a good idea to create a Bounty chatroom?

Would it be a good idea to create a chatroom for users to ask for bounties on questions (own or not)? Say OP (user) wants/needs an answer to a question (could be their own or not). But for some ...
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