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Questions tagged [suggested-edits]

Users without full edit privileges can suggest edits to posts and tag wikis

9 votes
4 answers

About editing the prominent mistakes

While reviewing many Suggested Edits in Math SE, I've found that many users are editing the prominent mistakes of the author. However, if I'm not wrong, editing should not conflict with the author's ...
RDK's user avatar
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5 votes
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Editing a post does not show the edited title [duplicate]

When I edit a question, a preview of the edited content is shown, which makes it easy to know if I'm doing this right. But: when editing the title of a question (e.g. replacing "Z" by "$...
Dominique's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Editing reputation anomaly can generate unbounded reputation?

Background: I was editing an answer given to my question. Edits included some Latex notations. Edit was approved and I got a reputation of $(+2)$. Later, there were some incompleteness in the answer ...
An_Elephant's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why does this suggested edit not show any tag changes I made?

A couple of days ago, I suggested an edit which was rejected, the reason being This edit introduces tags that do not help to define the topic of the question. Tags should help to describe what the ...
D S's user avatar
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Why was my edit rejected by deviating from the original intent?

My edit on this answer just got rejected with the reason below: This edit deviates from the original intent of the post. Even edits that must make drastic changes should strive to preserve the goals ...
Michael Munta's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Does MSE discourage users to edit new users' or "low quality" posts? [duplicate]

Does MSE discourage users to edit new users' or "low quality" posts? This seems to be a bit counter-intuitive but I'm unable to think otherwise. So, we know that when a user below 2000 rep ...
InanimateBeing's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Are edits removing tags frowned upon?

I tried to remove the tag "set-theory" tag from this question because I thought it was blatantly wrong but my edit was rejected by two reviewers. Does that mean that those reviewers are ...
Arvid Samuelsson's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

List of edits waiting for approval

I want to see the list of all my edits that are still waiting for an approval. Does such a list exist? If yes, where/how can I see/get such a list?
InanimateBeing's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Valid Edit accepted by OP, but rejected by Reviewers

I had made one Edit Suggestion to this Question, but it was rejected. I was wondering whether I was mistaken and the Edit is wrong. Hence, I then made the same Edit Suggestion via Comment and OP ...
Prem's user avatar
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13 votes
0 answers

About removing the reputation of suggested-edits and put that reputation to find duplicates

In the context of the current situation, and also, time ago situation, in part for the duplicate-questions on math.SE, Could it be that, perhaps temporarily, the +2 reputation for the suggested edits ...
Verónica Rmz.'s user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Valid edit suggestion to a post was rejected.

I proposed an edit, two times on Find $\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{\arctan (x^{3/2})}{\sqrt x}$. this question but both the times, It got rejected. For the first time, I ignored it. But it ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

About the proper tagging of questions on math.SE

There is a question I came across, and it was about the convergence of a Cauchy sequence in a metric space. OP considered the tags: convergence-divergence, sequences-and-series, general-topology and ...
Verónica Rmz.'s user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

Why was my suggested edit rejected despite correcting a calculation error?

I recently found some mistake in the calculation in an answer. The formula $\color{red} {\int_{x=0}^\infty e^{-(ax^2+bx)}\,dx=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{a}}\exp\left(\frac{b^2}{4a}\right)}$ used in ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Why my edit to remove irrelevant commentary was rejected?

I suggested an edit to this question, in order to remove irrelevant commentary, like the intro: I have been out of school for a long time an have an assignment that I am finding hard to grasp, I ...
desertnaut's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Why did 2 users reject my suggested edit for 2 typos? How can $P(M_2, C_2) + P(M_2, C_2) = 0 + 1/3$?

pls see below picture, and $P(M_2, C_2)$ can't equal both 0 and 1/3. something is wrong!
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