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Questions tagged [nineteen-eighty-four]

Questions about George Orwell's dystopian novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', first published in 1949. Use this tag with the [george-orwell] tag.

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1984 question - Ogilvy & Photo contradiction

It is a big deal to Winston when he has the photograph of the three men in New York. Proof of the Party's lies. But is his Ogilvy fable not just as much proof - in a sense - that the Party lies ( ...
Deathcreeperdestiny 's user avatar
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The distinction between the Orwell's belief about real world and his imagination

Orwell seemed to believe that the real world, as opposed to that of his feverish and genuinely diseased imagination, was moving in the direction of bigger and worse cacotopias. 1985 by Anthony Burgess ...
Abw's user avatar
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Do the rocket bombs in 1984 only ever strike prole quarters?

Relatively in the middle of chapter 5 in “1984” it says: In some ways she was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. Once when he happened in some connexion to ...
Pixelcode's user avatar
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Aren't there any thought criminals who commit suicide in Oceania and what would it mean for the government?

The Inner Party doesn't want Winston and Julia dead as long as they are opposing Big Brother and the government. Oceania's government wants everyone to "love" Big Brother and Ingsoc, and ...
Thoughtcriminal's user avatar
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Were Eurasia and Eastasia ever allied against Oceania?

In Orwell's 1984, the world is divided into three superpowers: Oceania (roughly equal to the Americas, Australasia, and Britain), Eurasia (roughly equal to the Soviet Union and mainland Europe) and ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "pools of gold" in "Nineteen Eighty-Four"?

From the beginning of part 2, chapter 2: Winston picked his way up the lane through dappled light and shade, stepping out into pools of gold wherever the boughs parted. Under the trees to the left of ...
user13031's user avatar
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Does Winston Smith die at the end of 1984?

At the end of 1984, does Winston Smith die in the traditional sense of death, or just figuratively?
Nour Fourti's user avatar
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Where did Orwell ask whether British democracy would end through a Fascist takeover or by a Socialist revolution?

The Wikipedia article about Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighthy-Four contains the following statement: During World War II, Orwell believed that British democracy as it existed before 1939 would not ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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In 1984 why does the Newspeak dictionary have numbered editions?

A major theme in 1984 is that the Party is never wrong and commonly changes all past references to reflect this. Why would the Party have numbered editions of their Newspeak dictionary, as opposed to ...
Winston's user avatar
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In 1984, how did people think their thoughtcrime would be discovered?

In the novel 1984, Winston Smith writes: Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death. How exactly does Smith, or anyone else, think that Big Brother will discover their thoughtcrimes?...
K--'s user avatar
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What does George Orwell mean with "vague reverence"?

In Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Nineteen Eighty-Four, Orwell writes this: Sometimes it stopped for a few seconds, spread out and resettled its wings, then swelled its speckled breast and again burst into ...
Harsh's user avatar
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Nineteen Eighty Four - the chocolate ration demonstrations

After the chocolate ration is reduced from 30 grammes per week to 20, the Ministry of Truth puts out the claim that it has been increased to 20 grammes (its supposed previous level is not stated). ...
Astrid_Redfern's user avatar
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Looking for a quote from 1984 about the party's immortality vs personal mortality

What is the quote from 1984 where Winston tells O'Brien that O'Brien is mortal, and O'Brien responds that what matters is the party's immortality and not his own? It was during a sort of "ask me ...
user7713's user avatar
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Did the Brotherhood really exist?

In George Orwell's 1984, there is a mention of a secretive organization named Brotherhood whose main aim is to rebel against the Big Brother, and the Party in general. In the later part of the prose, ...
CinCout's user avatar
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When was the Party founded?

The boots were approaching again. The door opened. O'Brien came in. Winston started to his feet. The shock of the sight had driven all caution out of him. For the first time in many years he ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar

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