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Are social networks legally required to implement user banning/suspension funcionality?

Moderation tools are needed to prevent users from distributing illegal material. There are laws prohibiting the possession amd distribution of illegal material like child pornography. If a website ...
nick012000's user avatar
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Is it illegal to share a recording of someone else's private conversation?

What do you mean by “private”? If you mean a conversation that the participants did not want overhead but was conducted in a way that allowed others to overhear, then that is not illegal. If you mean ...
Dale M's user avatar
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Is it legal for employer to make getting paid for work contingent on completion of certain tasks?

TD1 is an Obligation under tax law Tax law requires employers to provide quite some information to the tax authorities. By law, the company has to have at least SIN and TD1. Without having the proper ...
Trish's user avatar
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Is it legal for employer to make getting paid for work contingent on completion of certain tasks?

Giving you a job may depend on the right paperwork. As soon as you actually work, if they have been violating any rules then that is done. They still have to pay you. Plus there are no “tax reasons”, ...
gnasher729's user avatar
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Is it illegal to share a recording of someone else's private conversation?

Yes, it is illegal. 18 U.S.C. § 2511 states: (1)Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter any person who— (c)intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the ...
Michael Hall's user avatar
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Is it illegal to share a recording of someone else's private conversation?

Is it illegal to share someone else's private conversation? Not as a general rule. Can a private conversation that has been recorded without the knowledge of any involved in the conversation. Then ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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Are social networks legally required to implement user banning/suspension funcionality?

are social networks that don't allow users to be suspended/banned legal? Yes. Or they are required to implement this feature? No. There is no laws of which I am aware that are currently in force ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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Is it legal to photograph a nosy neighbour?

united-kingdom Imagine a range of possible actions, from (A) you doing nothing else with regard to your neighbour but on one occasion taking one photograph of him staring over your fence, to (Z) you ...
Lag's user avatar
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Is it legal to discriminate on marital status for car insurance/pensions etc.?

The UK is no longer an EU member and is able to depart from EU Directives (although in this case that hasn't happened, yet). The Act here is UK law, the Equality Act 2010 The particular areas to ...
thelawnet's user avatar
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10 votes

Is it legal to discriminate on marital status for car insurance/pensions etc.?

I assume [the ECJ ruling] is based on discrimination law, of which gender is only one of a list of protected characteristics. This is incorrect. The ECJ does not interpret or enforce UK national law, ...
Sneftel's user avatar
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Is it legal to photograph a nosy neighbour?

There are a few laws that may be relevant: the tort of invasion of privacy relates to Article 8 of the HRA what this means is ...
thelawnet's user avatar
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-4 votes

Is it legal to photograph a nosy neighbour?

As a rule of thumb, if the neighbour can reasonably expect to be seen by whoever is looking in his direction from your property, you can film him. For video only, CCTV or handheld does not matter. ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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