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Can I play a voice message to a 3rd party?

Suppose someone left me a voice message on my mobile phone, and I then played their message to a 3rd party. Was it illegal to play the message I received from them to a 3rd party in the U.K.? Who owns ...
BobinLondon's user avatar
0 votes
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Can I sell a figurine of iconic football moments [closed]

I am making a football star figurine replicating an iconic goal scoring moment. I want to sell these figurines on Etsy. Is there any legal requirements for the UK where I have to say something or I ...
yvj's user avatar
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Is an edited version of a trademark covered through the original trademark in the UK?

Is a shortened or edited version of a trademark covered by the initial trademark. Take the following for example: If someone were to use this name or logo while removing the 'studio', would this be ...
M. Guillaume's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Can a contract clause really stop me from developing something in my own time [duplicate]

My contract states the below: I assume this means, even things i make in my personal time would belong to the company? I wonder how enforceable that really is as that would suggest that they would be ...
Kieran's user avatar
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5 votes
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Under what conditions are 3rd party works automatically subject to the OGL 1.0a?

Are 3rd party creations that are "compatible with" D&D automatically subject to the OGL (OGL 1.0a for the purposes of all references in this question), or can they be published without ...
illustro's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Who owns the IP for some software that I created in my spare time? Employee or Employer?

I am employed as a designer in the UK by a UK employer. I do not work for a software company. On my own machine on weekends I created my own software that I believe my employer would benefit from. I ...
Richard's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Is releasing this company's documents illegal?

I run a website where I sell materials for students interested in finance, law and consulting. My website contains case studies from actual previous interviews. Recently, one of the firms' HR reached ...
Questioner5453's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the legality of a 'fan' business using e.g. a TV Show's IP? (UK)

As an example Dobby Club is, let's say, inspired by the TV show Peep Show. They do Peep Show themed live shows and quizzes and they sell stuff online which, although it never uses e.g. the official ...
thisextendsthat's user avatar
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What is the difference between the patents register and patents journal in the UK?

Whilst studying for my CIPA foundational exam 'UK Patent Law' I am coming across two terms: 'the patents journal' and 'the patents register'. The patents journal is published by the UK government ...
Laurence Dawkins's user avatar
0 votes
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Register trademark for app name when one already exists on the app store

I've spent a lot of time creating an mobile app for iOS and Android. Let's say for arguments sake the app is called "Travelr". I'm based in the UK and I initially checked the UK trademark ...
Eli Nathan's user avatar
1 vote
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Does a non-commercial software project constitute an outside activity and does declaring it to my employer risk any transfer of IP?

Background I am based in the UK, and about to enter into a new full-time job as a software engineer at a UK-based software company. I have been asked to declare my outside activities. I have several ...
seymour's user avatar
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What intellectual property rights are being surrendered with this contract?

Alice has worked for an quango/academic organisation “The Establishment”, which is part of a larger “Wider Establishment” for some years. She was recently made redundant on pretty good terms and ...
User65535's user avatar
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Providing hyperlinks to another website that is publicly accessible. (UK Law)

I have a question about the ability to link to another website, either through hyperlinks alone, or by also using the thumbnail of the hyperlink. This question is specifically relating to the UK (if ...
legalcuriosity's user avatar
0 votes
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Intellectual property while employed (UK/USA)

I work for a USA based company but I live and work in the UK. I'm a software engineer and I was curious about the wording around intellectual property on my contract. Lets say the company I work for ...
Eli Nathan's user avatar
43 votes
4 answers

Could I write a "Parry Hotter" novel?

There is a question over at the Writing SE which was wondering whether J. K. Rowling would consent to somebody writing a Harry Potter sequel. The answer was, predictably in hindsight, "you would ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes
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Legally "give" Intellectual Property without explict charge?

Summary: I'm an IT contractor, and have some self-made source code (my IP) to solve certain problems a lot of clients have. I want to legally "give" that IP to my clients, without explicitly ...
Ralph Bolton's user avatar
0 votes
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Copyright rights without T&C

Suppose that a developer created an online back-office application, a database, and a UI for a startup business run by the developer's wife and a partner. These items have a copyright notice in their ...
BentCoder's user avatar
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Owning rights/intellectual property

5 years ago my wife and her friend set up a business with no other employees at all until this date. I created the website, backoffice application and database (the data in there is not mine so they ...
BentCoder's user avatar
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Confused about Intellectual Property Rights

I have applied for a job as a software developer in the UK and have been sent back a contract which has the following wordage: You agree that all rights to all material created in the course of your ...
Dave3of5's user avatar
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Idea-expression dichotomy

Would it lead to copyright protection if one were to record someone's speech, a speech in which the most half-baked ideas are advanced with such conviction that the general public takes them seriously?...
DeKantian's user avatar
0 votes
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Is there an official glossary of intellectual property terms in the UK?

I am writing a research paper on how intellectual property rights terminology in Russia compares to that in the UK. I am looking for an official glossary or a standard approved by the UK government ...
Diana's user avatar
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Manipulating Images for Promotion & Potentially Profit [closed]

Based in UK. I am a graphic designer and during lockdown have been practicing my photoshop skills by digitally manipulating images of some local 'celebrities'. The digital manipulations mostly involve ...
jonboy's user avatar
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4 votes
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How does Google and other websites avoid infringing on 3rd party copyrights for displaying images for 'commercial' purposes?

I really hope someone would be able to clear things up, because this question has been bugging me for a long time now. Google Images (and frequently Google Search as well) shows images associated with ...
Dawid O's user avatar
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0 votes
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Is publishing copyrighted material (product brochure) is an acceptable fair use?

I'm applying for grant money: Some time ago I've received a brochure from a vendor that is copyrighted material. This document, all text and ...
Silly mistakes in the past's user avatar
3 votes
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Discrepancy between robots.txt and TOS

This question made me think of a situation: Alice asks Bob to crawl web site and return results of the regular expression "Price:([0-9]*).*Size:([0-9]*)" Bob points a ...
Dave's user avatar
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Intellectual property when leaving the employment

Company's time, company's laptop, company's idea submitted to the internal innovation platform. It was rejected by the corporate immune system: We are to inform you that your idea has been Backlogged....
Silly mistakes in the past's user avatar
2 votes
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Why are "over-the-air" TV channels considered more important to regulate compared to cable and satellite TV?

I've always heard this legal talk about "over-the-air" television. That is, TV channels that you get into your TV through having a once-ordinary (not sure people still have such things at all) antenna,...
Charlie White's user avatar
3 votes
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In the UK, who owns the intellectual property of a thesis?

Assume the following problem: A person decides to create software for his thesis. His application turns out to be very profitable. If he continues creating it, will the University own the ...
DichoMire's user avatar
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Scraping legal disclosure reports to build a database?

I am thinking of scraping business related data from websites like the UK's National Storage Mechanism, where all UK publicly traded security issuers must periodically report various bits of ...
Laurent S's user avatar
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Are intellectual property indemnity clause, which requires the employee to indemnify the employer, enforceable?

Jurisdiction is England (UK), and it's a clause in an employment contract (permanent). The following question has been posted on reddit, and I happen to be on the same boat. I've been offered a ...
BasilTomato's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

If a no-deal Brexit happens will EU provisions on reverse engineering be nullified?

As it stands the UK implements an EU law which prevents the reverse engineering of proprietary software with few exceptions, could this change once we leave the EU?
0x777C's user avatar
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Who owns my idea? Me or my company? [UK] [closed]

I work in a small, specific, applied software development niche. The industry I operate in is relatively small and everyone knows everyone. Recently myself and a colleague have been floating the idea ...
FlyingDev's user avatar
-2 votes
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Hiring part-time IT contractors who are under an IP assignment clause in their day contract

I plan to engage a contract developer part-time in the UK through his own Ltd. He's currently contracting in the day time for a software company. My project is in a very different area. However, that ...
schrödingcöder's user avatar
1 vote
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Registering a model of an existing item as a protected design in UK

The UK maintains a database of "registered designs", and by registering your design here (in my basic understanding) this affords some degree of legal protection against others copying your design, ...
Michael Berry's user avatar
2 votes
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Is making a home music server legal?

I am planning to make a Local-Area-Network personal music server program. The idea is that the program lets you host your music so you can stream it from any of your devices on your local network (...
Pixelchai's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is it legal to unlock artificially limited hardware yourself?

Some companies sell hardware that is limited by some means, so that they can charge for upgrades. For example some Tesla cars have batteries with some capacity unavailable to the user unless they pay ...
user's user avatar
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Is this Intellectual Property clause over-reaching?

Here's an extract from my (employee) contract All rights to any material and results, and all intellectual property rights related thereto, made, written, designed or produced by Nathan Cooper ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Derivative softwares copyrigths from a more generic software

Imagine consultancy C has a generic software for analyzing data S. Now C has a client C1 and from the software S it derives a software S1 to analyzed some specific data for C1. The overall dependency ...
bbb's user avatar
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Copyright on code from public source

Let's imagine consultancy A develops a code for client B that use some free available code from a website so it's a derivative work from the free code (MIT license). Can consultancy A re-use the same ...
bbb's user avatar
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software copyright : implementing the same class structure but for different specific clients and purpose

Let's assume the same consultancy implements for client A a software to analyze text data from internal communication of the company. The client B asked the same software to analyze text data from ...
bbb's user avatar
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How to manage intellectual property right for different clients from a consultancy

let's say company A is a consultancy in field XX and develops software solutions for client B. Client B clearly retains the IP of the work done. Then company A will have 2 more clients C and D. Now, ...
bbb's user avatar
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Does the UK have a legal precedent for "inherence" with refunding digital goods (& associated contracts)?

For example, if one were to purchase a digitally distributed video game, then a year or two later purchase DLC (or other content reliant on the game to be used), if a refund was obtained on the ...
Talisman's user avatar
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Can I trademark a logo that contains a font licensed under SIL OFL?

I am trying to determine whether I am able to use an OFL font in my UK trademark. From the research I have performed myself, I have determined that OFL fonts can be used in logos, as shown here: http:...
jskidd3's user avatar
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Am I infringing on copyright?

I am currently developing a website on which users can upload web comics and in return get paid from ad revenue. The issue comes in when a user uploads copyrighted work and I'm held responsible for ...
Matt. C's user avatar
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Legal issues with a company called Elon selling 'musk' cologne

Would I get in legal trouble in the US or UK for starting a company called Elon and selling 'musk' cologne? I know that College Humor made a joke about this a few years ago, but this is an actual ...
MJM's user avatar
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2 votes
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How can "intellectual property rights" prevent the publication of fire safety information?

This BBC article, Grenfell Tower: Sixty blocks 'fail new fire test', says, Local Government Association chairman Lord Porter said housing associations and private sector landlords will be among those ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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Hosting free comics on my website

I have paperback comics which I legally bought. I was wondering, if I scanned them into PDFs and uploaded them on my website for people to VIEW for free, not DOWNLOAD, would it be illegal? I'm in the ...
Thoromost's user avatar
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OEM Legislation

As an OEM, is it legal to use branded motherboards, such as ASUS in our own enclosures. I am aware that the other parts get used by major computer makers such as HP. However they usually make their ...
Unity_Computers's user avatar
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Using BBC podcasts in a software, legality

This software will be a freeware, which will be used to improve language abilities of English exam takers. My software will play a part of their (BBC-United Kingdom) pod cast (a minute or 2) and the ...
LikeCrazy's user avatar
4 votes
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IP Rights in Recordings

Suppose a private party were to pay for the production of a theatrical play in England, and one of these performances was filmed, with the intention that the filming would be later edited into a DVD. ...
sdsf's user avatar
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