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5 votes
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Under what conditions are 3rd party works automatically subject to the OGL 1.0a?

Are 3rd party creations that are "compatible with" D&D automatically subject to the OGL (OGL 1.0a for the purposes of all references in this question), or can they be published without ...
illustro's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Is releasing this company's documents illegal?

I run a website where I sell materials for students interested in finance, law and consulting. My website contains case studies from actual previous interviews. Recently, one of the firms' HR reached ...
Questioner5453's user avatar
43 votes
4 answers

Could I write a "Parry Hotter" novel?

There is a question over at the Writing SE which was wondering whether J. K. Rowling would consent to somebody writing a Harry Potter sequel. The answer was, predictably in hindsight, "you would ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes
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Why are "over-the-air" TV channels considered more important to regulate compared to cable and satellite TV?

I've always heard this legal talk about "over-the-air" television. That is, TV channels that you get into your TV through having a once-ordinary (not sure people still have such things at all) antenna,...
Charlie White's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is it legal to unlock artificially limited hardware yourself?

Some companies sell hardware that is limited by some means, so that they can charge for upgrades. For example some Tesla cars have batteries with some capacity unavailable to the user unless they pay ...
user's user avatar
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Legal issues with a company called Elon selling 'musk' cologne

Would I get in legal trouble in the US or UK for starting a company called Elon and selling 'musk' cologne? I know that College Humor made a joke about this a few years ago, but this is an actual ...
MJM's user avatar
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2 answers

Legality of using data obtained by hacking to make a blog post

As a data scientist, based in the UK, I am thinking about downloading the recently leaked Ashley Madison data, producing some interesting statistics (none of them incriminating), and using them to ...
user1158559's user avatar