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Questions tagged [switzerland]

Questions concerning the laws, criminal justice system, civil court procedures and related topics specific to the contrary of Switzerland and its cantons.

12 votes
2 answers

Is it illegal in Switzerland to download scientific books from sci-hub?

In a thread on, we are discussing the legality of using Sci-hub in Switzerland; for instance, for a university student to download articles used to write their thesis. This document ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

"Discrimination" due to COVID-19 Certificate requirements

Many European countries issue COVID-19 Certificates (with varying names), that indicate whether a person is vaccinated, has recovered or has been tested. Access to some locations (restaurants, cinemas,...
PMF's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Licensing self-written software and trademark to the company which I own

I wrote software (as a hobby) a while ago and also registered a trademark for it. I thought about trying to commercialize the software, and realized that in order to limit my risks it makes sense to ...
UweD's user avatar
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How to protect my idea in another country?

I have an idea about possible creation of a product that in my opinion would be on demand among smartphone users. I have found a potential company In Switzerland and I think about offering them my ...
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