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Questions tagged [small-claims-court]

Small Claims Court rules and procedures. Where they exist, Small Claims Courts typically only have jurisdiction over minor civil matters – e.g., claims under $25,000.

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2 answers

In small claims court, can either party have a lawyer? Can decisions be appealed?

Many people assume that no lawyers are ever allowed in a small claims court, and that decisions in such courts are always unreviewable (final) because of their informal nature. Is this true in all US ...
David Siegel's user avatar
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Serving evidence to ex-landlord and being able to prove it

I am trying to save money as I don't have much to spare. I need to serve the landlord with any documents that I serve the court. Typically this is done through registered mail, but this is expensive ...
SamT's user avatar
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Business not honoring promotional credits despite extensive efforts to work with them

Overview: I purchased three new smartphones from a large, well-known, phone company on 11/27/2015. Each phone qualified to receive $300.00 in promotional credits after trading in a separate smartphone ...
Xrylite's user avatar
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How will Brexit affect ongoing court claims and existing judgements within the EU courts?

I am wondering how ongoing court cases and existing (i.e. pre-decided) unsettled judgements will be treated after Brexit? Moreover, I would like to know how judgements decided after Brexit for court ...
Lost Crotchet's user avatar
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How likely am I to receive compensation? (UK)

I recently bought my first property which is meant to be an exciting time until I realised the property has a broken boiler meaning I have no hot water or central heating. Now prior to exchange of ...
rejy11's user avatar
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Can non-lawyers help people study law and do small claims?

Can a self-taught enthusiast in an unrelated occupation, without a law degree, without any sort of formal legal education nor bar admittance, help other people study law? What would be the ...
cnst's user avatar
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How can a lender of a small loan protect himself from the borrower not paying them back?

An acquaintance asked me to lend him money. I believed his story and lent him $100. He promised to pay me back $150 in 5 days time. It's been months and he hasn't paid me anything. I have heard that ...
CoriolisForceFighter's user avatar
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Can one appeal a small claims judgement in California

Under what circumstances can a small claims case be appealed in CA? Is it only for errors of law?
David Siegel's user avatar
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If party doesn't do what's agreed in settlement, can you sue again or is enforcement the only option?

I filed a dispute with the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT). A settlement was reached. Two terms of the settlement were the defendant will make available my property for me to pickup parties agree ...
dutyanalysing's user avatar
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Can suits be filed in small claims courts from overseas?

I often see freelancers suggesting to other freelancers to use the small claim courts to get paid when the client is in another country. Already with the small claim court, there's a maximum amount ...
go-junta's user avatar
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Splitting a claim into several small claims

UK, small claims court question. Is it permissible to split a large claim into several small claims, against multiple defendants, arguing a different cause of action in each? Consider this ...
Pete's user avatar
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Can plaintiff or defendant question judge?

I watch a lot of Judge Judy, and many of you know its irritating. She has said she cannot look into the evidence or she has so many other work to do. How can a judge behave like this to public? Is ...
zod's user avatar
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What's the best way to include e-mails as evidence from a technical perspective?

It probably would be easiest to copy and paste quotes from emails into my evidence submission. But of course text could easily be changed in this format. I could take a screen shot of the email as I ...
dutyanalysing's user avatar
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How does someone file an order with the Provincial Court to have it enforced?

Once a person has won a case in the Civil Resolution Tribunal, how is the judgement filed for enforcement?. Assume that the person has a validated copy of the order. I know one needs to go to the ...
Clockatok's user avatar
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Can I sue a company in another country in small claims court?

I live in NY State. I bought a skype type language course on line. The salesman who sold me the course said I could pay monthly and stop anytime I liked, even thought the course had a one year ...
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