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Questions tagged [school-law]

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-1 votes
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What are the legal rights of public school staff regarding item confiscation?

I'm looking for information specific to California, United States, but insights from other jurisdictions are also welcome. From my research, I understand that school staff are permitted to confiscate ...
ShortTimeNoSee's user avatar
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What are the supply duties of the government for mandatory schooling?

I'm mostly interested in the German jurisdiction but other countries are interesting as well. For all children attending school is mandatory, in Germany this is regulated by states (here is an example ...
quarague's user avatar
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What legally constitutes a change in "the pronoun" used to refer to a student?

In the recently passed SL2023-106, also known as SB49, the North Carolina state legislature decided to require schools to adopt a policy to notify parents of, among other things: Prior to any changes ...
interfect's user avatar
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Can the school force me to log into my social media accounts?

I live in the UK and go to a public school. Sometimes the school will force students to log into the social media account because there might be some cyberbullying. Is this legal if they have a reason?...
Meme Ruler's user avatar
2 votes
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Is performing another's duty a valid form of consideration?

Under state law parents have a legal duty to among other things educate minor children until they graduate from high school or an approved equivalent. The state also provides for public schools which ...
Phyllis's user avatar
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6 votes
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USA school law. Is a charter school a public school?

I am trying to understand the main, basic tenets of USA public vs. private school law. (See my previous question of a series). Is a charter school a public school? I see that there is debate on ...
mario's user avatar
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USA Private School Law. Could disrespect of State regulation be constructed as a breach of an enrollment contract?

I am trying to understand the main, basic tenets of USA public vs. private school law. (See my previous question of a series). In the case of a private school, I understand that the relationship ...
mario's user avatar
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4 votes
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What levels of government and public school admin can ban race topics from classrooms?

I am a secondary History teacher. I teach a course that includes some unfortunate things that happened in the past, like slavery, violence between different peoples, caste systems, etc. My state has ...
Village's user avatar
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USA Private School Law. How is contract law relevant? [closed]

I am trying to understand the main, basic tenets of USA public vs. private school law. (my previous question of a series) A couple of questions I have are about the relationship between a student (/...
mario's user avatar
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1 answer

USA Public School Law. Is contract law somehow relevant?

I am trying to understand the main, basic tenets of USA public vs. private school law. A question I have is whether or not the relationship between a student (/family) and a public school is somehow ...
mario's user avatar
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