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Questions tagged [postal-service]

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42 votes
2 answers

Is it a crime to take my own package from a delivery truck before it has reached my home?

Not that I would ever do this, but I'm curious: if I were to go into a stopped delivery truck and remove from it an item that is addressed to me, would this be a crime? If so what crime would it be? ...
CommaToast's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Does a US city have the legal power to stop spam mail?

I live in a small apartment building that gets an onslaught of spam mail. Endless offers and coupon newspapers, etc all addressed to "To the resident of so and so". I, as a concerned and ...
18629754's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Is it legal to put someone’s mail in their mailbox?

If you printed up a flier and walked around shoving them into people’s mailboxes, that would be illegal because it is misuse of postal systems/property. But what if someone else’s mail gets delivered ...
SegNerd's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Neighbor examines (but does not take) mail in my mailbox

In the USA, what laws would apply to a stranger or neighbor who opens my mailbox and looks through my incoming mail, replaces it, and closes my mailbox? He does not take or add anything.
Phil Freedenberg's user avatar