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Questions tagged [fcc]

Federal Communications Commission, an executive agency of the U.S. government.

10 votes
3 answers

Is deliberate radio interference a crime?

I know that it is forbidden by FCC regulations to deliberately interfere with radio communications, but is it a crime?
Someone's user avatar
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Is this telephone company's terms of usage common or unfair?

Though many think the price is good, their policy does mean your telephone service is subject to change. Is this even legal to enforce per FCC? reserves the right to reclaim any phone number from ...
Coo's user avatar
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Are companies allowed to file consumer complaints to the Federal Communications Commission?

Are companies allowed to file consumer complaints to the Federal Communications Commission? May a company complain to the FCC that their business phone provider won't give them the information needed ...
Coo's user avatar
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Related to the The US Communications Act / Title 47 CFR: Would a license under one part be jepordized by a violation in another part?

The question is slightly different at the end but doesn't make complete sense without the intervening text. A bit of background. I have been a Licensed Amateur Radio Operator (Title 47 CFR Part 97) ...
Rowan Hawkins's user avatar
3 votes
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What are lawyers who work with FCC regulations called?

I have a question about FCC regulations, and would like an answer from a lawyer. How would I find a lawyer familiar with this topic?
Someone's user avatar
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What license do I need to transmit on an aviation radio?

I've asked this question over on Aviation Stack Exchange, but nobody over there knew the answer, so I thought I'd ask here. I'm a student pilot. I know that my pilot's license also acts as permission ...
HiddenWindshield's user avatar
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Encryption over handheld transceiver

I'm aware that encryption of amateur radio communications is prohibited (or rather, any technique to make the message unreadable is). Does this apply to handheld transceivers ("Walkie-Talkies&...
forest's user avatar
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In the US, can telephone service providers ban people for using their services for primarily illegal activities?

Telecommunications providers, such as phone companies, are subject to universal service obligations by the Communications Act of 1934. Section 201(a) provides that: It shall be the duty of every ...
Brian's user avatar
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Why is the manufacturer of a wireless radio device responsible for preventing end-user modifications? [closed]

One of those things that irks me about the FCC regulations is that manufacturers are responsible for preventing, and can apparently be held liable for, end-user modifications to wireless radio devices ...
bwDraco's user avatar
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6 answers

Can a university legally enforce a policy preventing students from creating their own wireless networks?

I attend a university in the United States where the school policy states that "Students are not permitted to setup or use their own wireless networks." This includes personal hotspots that ...
Noah's user avatar
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FCC: 1975 Rules Relating to Multiple Ownership ( 47 C.F.R. § 73.34, 73.240 and 73.636 ) source? does it exist?

Where can I find the original/historical 47 C.F.R. § 73.34, 73.240 and 73.636? To clarify, I'm looking at wikipedia: Cross ownership rules of 1975, but cannot find the primary source: Amendment of §§...
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-1 votes
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What is the amateur FM broadcasting legal limit?

Some stereos can receive a signal just outside the commercial band at either end of 88 and 108. I legally can buy everything I need on eBay to transmit my own personal radio station. What legal ...
Muze's user avatar
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What constitutes "management" for an amateur radio club?

A group of licensed radio amateurs has joined together to form a club. The club meets monthly, sponsors classes to license new amateurs, hosts an amateur repeater station and operates at public events....
Brian K1LI's user avatar
4 votes
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Any way to remove Ajit Pai as F.C.C. chairman and ensure "Net Neutrality"?

The F.C.C's chairman Ajit Pai has been pushing to repeal "Net Neutrality" rules. "Net Neutrality" is a set of regulations that ensure equal access to the internet. The rules prohibited high-speed ...
Digital fire's user avatar
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Are Drone Intrusion Prevention Systems (Drone IPS) systems illegal?

A drone intrusion prevention product being advertised at RSA Conference this year has piqued my interest, and I'm trying to determine whether it and other drone IPS systems are illegal. For ...
Polynomial's user avatar

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