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Can a software license be conditional on the actions of others?

I recently had an idea for a "threshold conditional" software license that works like this: Any person/entity can purchase a license and gain the unconditional right to use the software any ...
blaineh's user avatar
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Grant access to previous public research results including IPR for the purpose of future commercial exploitation

We are building a project of technology transfer. In the project, one partner is a university XXX; the main contact person who will work with us is a professor. Previously, the professor and his team ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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In the US, under what circumstances can I re-write code I previously wrote but do not own?

I write code for company X in the USA using popular technology Y. In the course of my job I end up developing a number of useful libraries/widgets/utilities for use within the Y ecosystem that have ...
Sasgorilla's user avatar
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AGPL-3.0 license

If make a service for a open source software with this license that interact but isn't part of the software itself, only connected to it, i would need to provide a open source distribution of the ...
zero's user avatar
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If one is the owner of an MIT licence, can that person relicense the software?

Suppose that someone (S) has supervised a group of students for a school project to produce software. This software is licensed under the MIT License and the copyright notice caries the name of the ...
ursulet's user avatar
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What are the rights of the software owners if their software is used to make money?

Let's assume that I have an iPhone and I tell how to use it (e.g. how an app is downloaded, how a photo is taken), I mention about its functions, features (e.g. how a contact is created, how Wi-Fi is ...
arastirma hesap's user avatar
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How to patent a technology as public domain? [duplicate]

If an inventor comes up with a technology that could benefit humankind and instead of keeping it for themselves they decide they want to make it freely available to all, what would the legal process ...
Mentalist's user avatar
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5 answers

Are Word-Frequency lists copyrightable?

If someone generates word frequency lists somehow. For example by analysing a web corpus or data from keyboards. Is this form of list of words and their frequencies copyrightable? For example if ...
Neon's user avatar
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Are computer generated error messages subject to copyright?

In firefox, it throws up a generated error in response to the website that im creating (which is my work). can i then copy and paste part of that error into my program as part of a solution im writing?...
Jason Crockett's user avatar
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Copyright on code from public source

Let's imagine consultancy A develops a code for client B that use some free available code from a website so it's a derivative work from the free code (MIT license). Can consultancy A re-use the same ...
bbb's user avatar
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2 answers

Does a company own my company's product if I use their open source code?

Does a company own my company's product if I use their open source code? I am reading through the SDK License agreement of a company's code and it reads: ======================================== ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Open source idea closely related to product at work

For a while I have had an idea for an open source project. Now, I've started building something similar at work as an internal tool (so not public). So does that mean I can not go on and do the ...
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When a contractor develops a program based on clients specifications, who owns the rights?

I was hired to create a computer program. The client gave me directions on what it should do and how the UI should look like (complete with pictures). No formal contract was ever made, and I realize ...
swandiving's user avatar
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Why do you have to accept a licencing agreenment before installing Java but not C++?

There is a license to use Java which you must accept before installing. Why isn't there one for C or C++? If there is, where can it be found? I'm guessing it has to do with how Oracle owns Java, but ...
Toofast12's user avatar