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Questions tagged [contract-law]

For questions about laws related to contracts, an agreement between two or more parties.

3 votes
1 answer

Can a document with a confidentially clause be submitted to a court even if it wasn't subpoenaed?

If two parties make a contract that contains a confidentiality clause, if one party breaches it can the other still enforce the contract in court? For example a dispute arises between Party A and ...
CoriolisForceFighter's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

UK Employment Law Regarding errors in employment process and contract [closed]

So I applied for a job that was ranged from mid level/senior with me applying for the senior position with the appropriate salary. I got through all stages of interview and was hired, but when I got ...
Djingus's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

EU law - Ignoring revocation of access rights after completing the task [closed]

I would like to ask you very nicely for advice related to IT security and law. As a freelancer, if I provide a one-off service of programming to modify an information system, I will always ask the ...
klaucode's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Conflicting information in different points - is it false advertising if one is wrong?

Adam purchased a battery from eBay where the product image contains the eye catching text 40000mAh. But the product description in much Plainer typeset mentions that it is a 10ah battery. Adam ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Does the word “unwaivable” block me from canceling a contract?

The first sentence in contract reads. “you have an unwaivable right to cancel this contract for any reason within 10 days after the date you signed this contract”. Can I cancel? Or does the word(...
Michael David's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can a public school require a student to contract with a third party?

Can a public K-12 school require a student to accept a contract with a private third party, as a condition of enrollment or as a condition of passing enough courses to graduate? For example, a student ...
interfect's user avatar
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Is it making off without paying to dispute the charged amount based on a misunderstanding, even if this is the customer’s own fault?

Bob goes to a burger joint every week for several months and orders an individual beef patty for £4 which they are able to put through on the till as an “extra.” One time Bob arrives at the place and ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are statutory notices seeking possession required to enforce intra-term “break clauses”?

Some assured shorthold tenancies commonly feature “break clauses” that are sometimes asymmetrically available only to the tenant to provide extra flexibility to them, while others are made ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

App Store app Ownership

Lets say hypothetically 5 years ago someone (Person A) created a company with someone else (Person B) and they split the company 80 (Person B) / 20 (Person A) and then used that company information to ...
user55665484375's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

how lawful to have terms of min 5 years in the contract when renting a place for business in california?

How lawful to have terms of min 5 years in the contract when renting a place for business in California? Understand that all agreements are between landlord and renter, but still wonder if that is ok ...
Maxfield's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Can someone legally require you to pay them back after passing on a discount?

Can someone who willingly let us use a “friends and family” discount at their place of work ask for it back in the form of money? A friend regularly gets coupons from her employer. These coupons ...
SuperMario's user avatar
1 vote
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Fraudulent misrepresentation by a third party

Say, for purposes of conjecture, that "Celine" fraudulently tells "Alice" that something will happen. Also assume for the purposes of this question that, in reasonable reliance on ...
In Hoc Signo's user avatar
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Why are contracts void at common law if they are “contrary to public policy”?

What does it mean for a contract or contractual term to be “contrary to public policy”? By what principle are such contracts void at common law?
TylerDurden's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

Is it legal to sign a “contract” like that of Colleen Stan to voluntarily bond oneself into slavery?

Obviously in Colleen Stan’s actual case there are several other problems: fraud/brainwashing/deception, possibly a lack of consideration, to name a couple. But is there anything wrong in principle ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
1 vote
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If a friend allows me the right to store property on his property but eventually tires of this agreement, can he legally deny me access to my property

He gave me a “24-hour” time period to retrieve my property when he knew I would be busy and not able to. He gave me keys to locks that sealed entrances to his property without my request for them. He ...
Taron Glover's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Can a private contract obligate someone to exercise their right to a jury trial?

Say I think my local DA is pursuing too many low-quality cases, and pressuring people into plea deals, when they don't really have the evidence to convict. Can I and several thousand of my closest, ...
interfect's user avatar
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1 vote
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Can a person agree not to disclose how their employment ended?

Can an employer fire an employee without cause and tell them that the reason for his departure from the company is strictly confidential? What if it's part of a settlement agreement? For example if ...
copypasteme's user avatar
4 votes
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What happens to contractual rights when a company dissolves?

IP rights are created by law, and continue to exist even if the person who last owned them stops existing. What about rights created under private contracts? Say I granted my former employer the ...
interfect's user avatar
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2 answers

What describes a consent when people take loan?

As a banker, I ask people to put their signatures on the loan agreement form, the demand promissory note, etc. For illiterate people, I ask them to put their thumb impression countersigned by a ...
Gary 2's user avatar
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“if parties create a breach of contract then this agreement is null and void and the division of proceeds shall be decided by court of law.” Meaning? [closed]

I am supposed to get 100% of the net proceeds for sale of a home as stated in an agreement drawn up by attorneys. However at the end of the agreement it says “If the actions of the parties create a ...
Agreement Concerns's user avatar
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Terms of Service and Adversarially Interoperable Apps

Applications like NewPipe and Geddit seem to be becoming more popular. These applications are "adversarially interoperable": they work with and can display content from large services such ...
interfect's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Are customers of liable for clawbacks, given that the contract states they own the assets on the platform?

FTX bankruptcy estate is preparing to file lawsuits on retail customers to claw back withdrawals made during the last days of FTX. In fact, FTX has already filed one recently.
user768421's user avatar
0 votes
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USA Employment Law: Job Search with Moonlighting

I am a Software Developer contractor but I also want to have my own side-hustle business. This side hustle business might contain programming, research or developing new software products. However, it ...
jbdundas's user avatar
1 vote
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Can ex-employer ask/require in a severance agreement that if I plan to disclose information about the severance agreement, I must tell them first?

Can a severance agreement ask/force an employee to inform the ex-employer if they plan to disclose the severance agreement? My understanding is that the National Labor Relations Act allows me to share ...
abaines's user avatar
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3 answers

Seal instead of Signature

"Juan" agrees to a simple contract with "Betty". This written contract has a single signature line at the end for the offeree. Juan has poor taste, so he "signs" it with ...
In Hoc Signo's user avatar
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How corrupt does a contract need to be for a country to invalidate it?

It is in the news that there is a case in the UK High Court regarding a contract between Process & Industrial Developments (P&ID) and the Nigerian state. It involved gas extraction, but the ...
User65535's user avatar
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In UK, how hard can you hold a builder to their quoted price?

I was hoping to have some building work done in England and got two quotes: I would have liked three or four, but it was quite enough work to get two. To my surprise, they different hugely: one was ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Legality of charging customer service for one’s time spent dealing with them

An acquaintance has a practice of charging companies’ customer service departments £50 per 30 minute increments of his time spent addressing issues with them on the phone. I don’t think he’s ever ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Unity, installation fees and retroactive unilateral pricing changes

Recently Unity changed the pricing policies for its popular gaming engine that will become operative on Jan, 1st 2024. The change introduced what has been defined as "installation tax" by ...
SPArcheon - on strike's user avatar
1 vote
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Can a terminated commission based legal representation relationship give rise to expectation damages in England?

Meet Alice. She has a legal claim against Bob. She contracted Larry the lawyer to represent her in this matter and essentially run the case for her on a no win no fee percentage of damages commission ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
0 votes
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What are the limits of a contract offeror's ability to designate actions that accept the offer?

If I offer a contract, what can I designate as constituting acceptance? As intuition pumps, here is a collection of increasingly dubious contract offers: You agree to pay me $1.00 for a peppercorn, ...
interfect's user avatar
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2 votes
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Charging interest on a locked account

Is it a violation of any US banking regulations for a bank to continue charging interest on a loan when they have temporarily blocked the account holder from making payments? (or at least interest on ...
Michael Hall's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Are punitive contractual clauses enforceable?

Another answer suggests that in England and Wales they are not. But under what provisions wouldn’t they be? Why or why not?
TylerDurden's user avatar
1 vote
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What makes something an offer in contract law?

Whether a communication is an offer or merely an invitation to treat has tremendous legal significance. What makes something an offer in contract law?
Jen's user avatar
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How do section titles impact the interpretation of body text in a contract?

There is a contract between Party A and Party S. Party A is the author of the contract. And Party S signed it. In the contract, there are two sections, titled "Responsibilities of Party A" ...
sharoz's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

Why is a parking fee sign posting bilaterally binding but a menu board/price list is merely a non-committal invitation to treat?

Bob parks in the lot of a shopping mall where a sign is posted “by parking here you enter a contract wherein you agree to pay £10 per hour.” Bob parks in the lot and is, according to LSE, bound by the ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the significance of an invitation to treat?

I was just in a café and the menu board listed iced chai for £2.9 (hand-written, dry erase white board). When I went to order they charged me £4.6 on the machine. After posting it and realising what I’...
TylerDurden's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Accepting payment terms and conditions

I am in U.K. If I book a holiday/vacation and pay a deposit am I now bound by the payment/cancellation terms? (NB: There was no tick-box to say “by booking you accept our terms and conditions.” or ...
Michael's user avatar
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Software to block contracts

Many websites offer contracts to their visitors by "browse-wrap" (making an offer by notice, where not not using the site signals acceptance) or click-wrap (making an offer where clicking &...
interfect's user avatar
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6 votes
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Accepting online contracts on behalf of a corporation

I use a computer and the Internet for work. I use a lot of software that is licensed to my employer. Say some software licensed to my employer pops up its license on my employer's computer and demands ...
interfect's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

What law governs shopping carts?

The title may sound a bit funny but it is something I spent a few hours thinking about during a recent car trip :) In my country in order to get a shopping cart, you have to insert a coin. When ...
Yanick Salzmann's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

When has a doctor fulfilled their contractual duty

Generally when getting a service from some provider it is implied that that provider has to provide the service they ask money for. If I buy a phone and that phone is broken they have to replace or ...
Cromon's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is using hidden city ticketing a theft of service?

In some cases, A-B-C flights (from A to C with layover at B) cost less than a direct A-B flight with the same company. "Hidden city ticketing" is the practice of taking the cheaper A-B-C ...
Therac's user avatar
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What happens to a company’s ongoing contractual liabilities if the company is terminated?

ACME signs a service contract with a minimum term of 18 months. Acme then winds up and folds. What happens to a company’s ongoing contractual liabilities when the company gets terminated? Just to ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Does the provision sought by this question apply equally to coworking spaces?

See this question: What rule of law requires gyms to release members from long term contracts when they relocate out of the area? I intend to edit this question once that one is duly answered, but in ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What counts as consideration in contract law?

What counts as consideration in contract law? Does consideration from party A have to be to the benefit of the party B?
Jen's user avatar
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Is performing another's duty a valid form of consideration?

Under state law parents have a legal duty to among other things educate minor children until they graduate from high school or an approved equivalent. The state also provides for public schools which ...
Phyllis's user avatar
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How could someone whose trades are being copied be liable to the person who is doing the copying?

It is reported that someone was copying the trades of a noted NFT trader. This noted NFT trader profited from this by making an inflated bids on one of his own NFTs, and when the copycat replicated ...
User65535's user avatar
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Can workers keep overpaid salary? [duplicate]

Technical issues caused salaries of employees to be mixed up in a South Korean company. 22일 직장인 커뮤니티 블라인드 게시글 등에 따르면 지난 19일 “명세서에 적힌 금액보다 덜 들어왔다”는 효성 직원들의 게시글이 올라왔다. On an online employee forum ...
jde0451's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Do schools have permission to use pictures containing my face taken inside school forever if I agreed to it?

On day one of my first year in high school me and basically every other students were given a few documents to sign. One of them included a clause that allowed the school to publish pictures of us ...
nz4387's user avatar
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