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Questions tagged [congress]

Questions about the U.S. Congress – the federal legislative body consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate (also [us-senate]).

-1 votes
3 answers

What is Congress' interest in what a private university like Columbia does?

On what basis is congress subpoena'ing University of Columbia's president (other presidents of private universities)? What's the intent here? Congress is in charge of passing laws right... so is the ...
Ameet Sharma's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Once a congressional bill has become law, how is it noticed by and overseen within the executive branch?

Bills, once they become laws, seem to be archived and internally published somehow. I wonder how the executive branch picks up on and implements them when/after this happens. Someone, somewhere in the ...
2080's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Can Congress' rules be unconstitutional?

I'm very interested in U.S. Constitutional law and do a lot of mock government. One of the questions that I have been considering is whether it is possible for a rule Congress sets for its proceedings ...
Vaughn's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does the United States Constitution impose an obligation on Congress to pass a budget?

Does the United States Constitution impose an obligation on Congress to pass a budget?
Jen's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

What happens when Congress violates the Constitution through inaction?

The Constitution sets down rules for how Congress can operate, and what it may, may not, or must do. If a President does not do something the Constitution requires them to do, they can be impeached ...
interfect's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Constitutionality of restricting a Senator's speech for unruly behaviour or unparliamentary language

I spend a lot of time participating in mock Congress's and U.S. governments and recently a question came up regarding the constitutionality of Senate rules that prohibit a Senator from making ...
Vaughn's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is Medicare not included in the entities of policy change for CMS?

See this link. Why is Medicare not included in this list? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is responsible for ...
JustBeingHelpful's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Does Eli Beer commit an offence and can he be prosecuted for it? [closed]

In this video Eli Beer (the head of Israeli EMS) tells ostensibly of personally witnessing many very gratuitous and gruesome, cruel war crimes like opening a pregnant woman’s stomach and stabbing the ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Can a US government agency create a private company outside of Congress or rulemaking?

Can a US government agency such DoD create a private company by simple mandate, without either going through formal rulemaking or without an act of Congress? Specifically, to create a single company ...
RagingGolem's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

A way of electing representative to the Congress of the United States

In an answer to this question, someone cites this federal law: [2 U.S. Code § 2c][1] - Number of Congressional Districts; number of Representatives from each District In each State entitled in the ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Are there any limitations on a congressperson's freedom of speech in Congress?

The Speech and Debate Clause of the Constitution protects senators' and representatives' right to freedom of speech when debating in Congress, separately from the First Amendment freedom of speech ...
Someone's user avatar
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1 answer

How to find specific bill voted into Congress that changed FAFSA (2023)?

According to starting in 2024, "the new need analysis formula removes the number of family members in college from the calculation". Where can I find which bill introduced to ...
Jeff's user avatar
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In the American Congress, how does a motion come forward to be voted on without the support of the Speaker or Senate majority leader)?

At least in the Senate it´s easier given the majority leader is not the chair, that would be the president pro tempore or the vice president. But in general, how does this happen if push comes to ...
R-Obsessive's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

Are legislators ever asked to explain their intent in Supreme Court cases?

I recently started to listen to recordings of arguments before the Supreme Court. I am not a lawyer so I don't completely follow everything, but I noticed right away that a lot of arguments deal with ...
guero64's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

What happens legally if a majority of both houses of Congress disappear? [closed]

In the mass-dissapearance scenario from my previous question, what happens legally if both houses of Congress are in session and a majority of both houses disappear? Is Congress unable to do business ...
Someone's user avatar
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