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Questions tagged [case-law]

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10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Case law relating to gender expression

I recently discovered the existence of Local Law No. 3 (2002); N.Y.C. Admin. Code § 8-102(23) - which allows for people to be fined up to $250k for using the wrong gender pronouns. Even after cutting ...
davidgo's user avatar
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Which countries guarantee right to anonymous communication? Have there been court cases validating the right?

I know many countries still have burner phones - i.e phones or SIM Cards which aren't tied to any identifiable person? Are there countries which guarantee right to anonymous communication? Are there ...
user93353's user avatar
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What precedents specify the scales of compensation for false arrest, and how would one set about finding them?

According to an unreferenced law firm’s website, As a general guideline, you may be able to claim around £870 for the first hour of false imprisonment, which increases to around £5,210 for 24 hours. ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Are there examples of successful prosecution under the Espionage Act for non-classified materials (after that system was adopted)?

As discussed in the NYT regarding the FBI warrant executed on Mar-a-Lago In particular, a third law the warrant references was Section 793, which carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison per ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Where can one go to find caselaw of US federal criminal statutes?

I'm interested in a website or other starting point where I can see an index of all the high level prosecutions undertaken under USC XX s.s. YYYY over the course of the given law's history on the ...
Tom's user avatar
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What California appellate court case is this call-privacy case?

I am looking for a case where a California appellate court made a factual analysis if the state's confidential communications statutes, Pen. Code § 632, et seq., was applicable where the call was too ...
forgetfuldrafter's user avatar
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Difference between Magistrate court, Sessions Courts, & High Courts

In India, I've noticed that there are many types of Courts. For example, within the same city, there are a few Magistrate courts, sessions courts, and a single High Court. I understand we need more ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Are there examples of US lawsuits succeeding (in bypassing FSIA) against a political party of another country?

In an interesting attempt to side-step the sovereign immunity set out in FSIA, the AG of Missouri sued the Chinese Communist Party over Covid-19: On Tuesday [Apr 20?], Missouri’s attorney general ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Right of way, UK case law

I am not a law professional, but before approaching a lawyer I would like to learn a bit about UK case law on right of way through neighbours' properties. The facts: in the deeds of the property ...
NofP's user avatar
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Searching New York civil litigation case law

Are civil cases litigated in the state of New York between private businesses back in the 1980s accessible to the general public somewhere somehow, either free or behind a paywall? Say I know that a ...
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