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Questions tagged [adverse-possession]

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Plants over property line Massachusetts [closed]

MA neighbor had property survey conducted which shows that a few feet of what was condiered our property for decades is actually hers. She is planning to extend her fence and enclose the facythia that ...
Daniel Shannon's user avatar
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Possibility of unexercised adverse possession claim against a new owner

Jones bought a home 5 years ago next to Smith which has a stockade fence set back 2 to 3 feet from the property line. Smith has been in his home 25 years. Jones is aware that the fence could be ...
chewie's user avatar
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Can renters take advantage of adverse possession under certain situations?

It's my understanding, depending on the state, a renter could take steps to procure the property through being clever* and living there a long time, while taking additional steps to gain a legal claim....
ZeroPhase's user avatar
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Made aware of a utility easement a year on

Assume that around 1911 a utility sewer is laid down on private land with an easement that was limited “until a public sewer pipe be built”, with the document being properly filed. Such a construction ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Adverse possession between new owners

I purchased my property in 2016. My current neighbor purchased his in 2019. The current fence between our properties had been installed some time ago, presumably by the respective previous owners. I ...
ssm's user avatar
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Is there precedent for Florida condo owners to gain land under the guise of adverse possesion?

Assume that Bob builds a deck in his Florida condominium common area. Is there any reason why Bob can not claim adverse possession of said common area after 10 years? Assume that Bob did not have the ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Can you use force to make your way when someone is trying to stop you without legal right to do so?

Suppose you are walking on a public land and there are no legal restrictions to you doing it. Suddenly someone appears on your way and says you can't walk here. They are not a law enforcement officer ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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Any lawful reason preventing a tenant claiming squatters' rights at the end of their tenancy agreement with the ultimate aim of adverse possession?

Prompted by this question. As per the title: is there any lawful reason preventing a former tenant from playing the long-game to obtain adverse possession via squatters' rights?
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Can tenants claim adverse possession during a rent or eviction moratorium?

If there is a rent or eviction moratorium in place for an extended period in a particular jurisdiction, so that tenants are not paying rent, can they eventually acquire adverse possession? By "a ...
David Siegel's user avatar
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My fence is almost 2 feet inside my property line. Can my neighbour restrict me from accessing that 2 feet in Ontario Canada

The fence was here when I bought. My neighbour bought just after me. We haven’t been here a year yet. She just had her property surveyed and the fence is inside my property line. My property actually ...
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Can adverse possession be used on land that IS registered?

Adverse possession is normally talked about in terms of finding and claiming land for which there is no registered ownership. Around us, a lot of land is listed as registered by the local council ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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Adverse Possession Law: Two Properties

Can one acquire by the law of adverse possession two different buildings with two different lot numbers and owners that are commercial buildings?
Julius Christ's user avatar
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Can one claim adverse possession by simply securing an existing boundary in England?

A small (.5Acre) plot of land sits adjacent to our property boundary, officially designated "grazing land" it is in practice wild scrubby, sometime-flooded ground that sits between our ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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