Yesterday, while doing my (quite large) grocery shopping, I “felt the need” to use the bathroom. I went to where the bathroom was, and the sign was gone, and the door was locked! I asked a worker if they had moved it or what?!? She informed me that they no longer offered bathroom facilities to customers! I was sure they are doing so outside the rules of the law, but all I can find in looking for it, is restaurants and workers rights! Surely there is someone, somehow, who can answer my question! Signed- A cross-legged-grocery-leave-the-cart-right-there kinda girl!


1 Answer 1


There is no general requirement to provide toilets for customers

Restaurants are required to provide them under the Public Eating Establishment Standards. There is a requirement under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020 to provide them for workers.

But for grocery stores or other businesses: no.


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