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ratchet freak's user avatar
ratchet freak
  • Member for 1 year, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
44 votes

Why do many template languages have `for-else` statements?

13 votes

What is the explicit list of the situations that require RAII?

11 votes

Why target an existing VM?

8 votes

Could function parameters be placed inside names?

6 votes

What are some common ways to optimise an interpreter?

5 votes

What are the alternatives to classic ad hoc function overloading?

5 votes

What are pros and cons of tagged vs untagged union-types?

5 votes

What are the approaches of protecting against partially initialized objects?

5 votes

Why does C++'s unordered_map::erase fully invalidate iterators, not even supporting advancing?

4 votes

What is the mathematical abstraction of bitflags for use in a purely functional language?

4 votes

Are there languages or compilers having optimizations to deallocate variables early?

4 votes

From a parsing perspective, which is more efficient? Right-to-left or left-to-right argument parsing?

4 votes

Ways to have operators for both normal and floor division

3 votes

Tail-recursive detection and conversion

3 votes

How continuations compiles generators and coroutines?

3 votes

Can you, should you, go straight from AST to SSA?

2 votes

How to find the updated address of an object in a moving garbage collector?

2 votes

How to optimize non-tail recursion?

1 vote

What's the point of type safety?

1 vote

How do different template languages handle parsing?

0 votes

Optimization algorithm using conditional invariants

0 votes

How to ensure correct transformations with `break`, `continue` and other context-dependent statements?

0 votes

Why are symbols (especially static/internal symbols) necessary?

0 votes

Why do we need to divide lexing and parsing stages