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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

For questions relating to the syntax, or overall structure, of programming languages.
128 questions
For questions relating to the design of programming languages, including language semantics, syntax, type systems, data structures, or other design elements.
107 questions
Compilers are implementations of programming languages which convert source code into another format, such as a binary executable, bytecode, or another programming language. Use this tag for questions…
73 questions
For questions regarding the implementation of a feature in coding languages.
71 questions
For questions about types, which are different forms of data that can be stored in a variable, such as strings, numbers, or arrays.
68 questions
For questions related to the parsing stage of code compilation or interpretation. Parsing is the process of converting text-based code into the constituent logic.
54 questions
for questions about efficient compilation or execution of a programming language, including in a virtual machine, or language features that facilitate more efficient code generation or ex…
38 questions
For questions about the design or implementation of functions. This could include the syntax of defining and calling functions or implementing function calls at a lower level.
38 questions
For questions about the design of, or languages or features which are closely related to, C. Do keep in mind that C is related to but distinct from C++ (and there is no language called 'C/C++') and th…
33 questions
For questions about operators in programming languages. Operators are built-in tokens that perform specific operations on their operands distinct from functions.
33 questions
For questions comparing the implementation of a feature on different languages.
25 questions
For questions about designing and implementing interpreters, language implementations that execute source code directly, as opposed to compilers, which convert source code to executable code, which ca…
24 questions
For questions regarding functional programing concepts like immutability, closures, pure functions, and monads or regarding functional languages which enforce some or all of these constraints.
22 questions
For questions relating to designing and implementing standard library features
22 questions
For questions relating to languages whose variables' data types are known at compile time, and type systems supporting this.
21 questions
For questions related to the semantics of programming languages, i.e. the intent, meaning and action of syntactically valid code.
21 questions
For questions about design of, or languages which are closely related to, Rust, a strongly-typed, memory-safe, expression-oriented language.
19 questions
for questions about handling errors in a programming language at compile-time or how to manage them at runtime. Do not use this tag for general programming error handling questions.
18 questions
For questions about the implementation or design of arrays within a programming language, including C++ vectors, Java Lists, or other types of dynamic arrays.
18 questions
For questions about the implementation or design of strings within a programming language.
18 questions
For questions about object-oriented concepts including encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance, or for questions about object-oriented languages that are built around these concepts.
18 questions
For questions about C++'s design, or languages which are closely related to C++
18 questions
For questions about various ways or constructs to control the flow of a program, such as if statements, goto statements, loops, switch statements, etc.
17 questions
For questions relating to past design decisions in programming language design.
17 questions
For questions about Haskell's design, or languages which are closely related to Haskell
15 questions
For questions about Python's design, or languages which are closely related to Python
14 questions
For questions about type inference, where the types of expressions, variables, or functions are automatically determined by the compiler or interpreter without complete explicit type annotations
14 questions
For questions related to managing memory in programming languages, whether manually or automatically.
14 questions
Some languages specify "undefined behavior" for code or actions outside of the specified bounds of the language, which enables certain optimizations. Use this tag for questions about specifying undefi…
14 questions
For questions about type checkers or type checking, a process in a compiler or interpreter to ensure that values of the correct types are being used where they are expected.
14 questions
For questions about the implementation or design of data structures as specifically relevant to programming language design or implementation. Generic data structure questions are off-topic.
13 questions
For questions about garbage collection within the scope of designing/implementing a programming language, including implementing garbage collectors, the semantics or behavior of garbage collection alg…
13 questions
For questions comparing different programming languages' designs of a feature.
12 questions
For questions about designing and implementing mathematical functions or operations in a programming language.
12 questions
For questions about words, phrases and definitions that are specific to developing a programming language. Use this tag for questions about existing terminology, including seeking what terms exist for…
12 questions
For questions relating to recursion, or functions that call themselves.
11 questions
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