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If Jews make an oath to not do mitzvot which are normally required after an action, is it binding

Inspired by the answer to this question, is it valid for Jews to Make an oath to prevent themselves from performing mitzvoth which proceed from their choices, for example vowing to not do ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can someone else put tefillin on a Jew

According to Halacha, Is the actual mitzvah of tefillin on having it on your body or placing it on your body? The reason I ask is because if it’s the former, you could sit still and have someone else ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Reincarnations - Let's work out how many one would need to be personally obligated in all 613 Mitzvot in the superset

In a nutshell, the Arizal says (Shaar Gilgulim Ch. 16) we are reincarnated in order that every Jew gets a chance to experience all 613 mitzvot as a chiyuv (personal obligation) at least once. My ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Performing mitzvot "in bundles"

The Talmud lays down the principle: אֵין עוֹשִׂין מִצְוֹת חֲבִילוֹת חֲבִילוֹת -- One does not perform mitzvot in bundles. [Sotah 8a, also Pesachim 102b, Berakhot 49a] Another Talmudic quote is ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Mitzvah habaah beaveirah with a rabbinic prohibition

Is fulfilling a biblical mitzvah by transgressing a rabbinic prohibition considered "mitzvah habaah beaveirah", where they lose their credit for the mitzvah (see Sukkah 30a)? For instance ...
Noam Yo Tom's user avatar
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Implications of the appendix "אני ה'" in Biblical Mitzvot

Many Biblical Mitzvos end with "אני ה'" or "אני ה"א" or the like. Some are interpreted, some are totally ignored. For example (Leviticus.19): "אִישׁ אִמּוֹ וְאָבִיו ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Definition and origin of the division between interpersonal and God-related Mitzvot

"...for transgressions between a person and God, Yom Kippur atones; however, for transgressions between a person and another, Yom Kippur does not atone until he appeases the other person." ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Can Tzara'at appear on Mitzvah apparel?

Was it possible for Tzara'at to appear on Tefillin/Tefillin straps, which theoretically one could argue clothes the person? Or on Tzitzis, or Kohanic garments, like the Tzitz, or other clothing items ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Fearing beyond parents

The commandment of respecting parents (kabed et avicha v'et imecha) has "extra" words (et and v'et) which are used in the gemara to include others in the halacha of respect (for a discussion ...
rosends's user avatar
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How many time-bound positive mitzvot are women obligated in?

Women are generally not obligated in positive mitzvot bound by time. There are some exceptions, such as eating matzah on Pesach and making kiddush on Shabbat. What other time-bound positive mitzvot ...
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What is the source for non-literal understanding of V'Chai Bahem?

The concept of V'Chai Bahem - "do the mitzvos to live by them" (Vayikra 18:5) - is usually understood to refer to one's physical existence (i.e. the mitzvos should not be performed if they ...
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Does the mitzvah of knowing Torah exist as separate from mitzvah of learning Torah?

According to views of some authorities (Shulchan Aruch HaRav and others), learning without pronouncing words or listening to Torah recordings does not qualify as the mitzvah of Talmud Torah. ...
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Why there's no Deoraytah prohibition of altering Torah scroll?

Following my other question "no-anti-altering-failsafe-measures". Please correct me if I'm wrong, one who alters one letter of a Torah scroll invalidates it in whole (שו"ע יו"ד רעד). But I don't ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Is it a mitzvah to create a situation for others to be mekayem a mitzvah?

I recall reading (though I can't find it) that the person who was punished for collecting sticks on Shabbat was actually doing so in an effort to help others see the laws of Shabbat in practice (or ...
rosends's user avatar
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How does Rambam decide what defines a Mitzvah?

Rambam in Sefer Hamitzvos lists 14 rules that guided him in writing his Sefer Hamitzvos. Practically all of them focus on what does not consitute a Mitzvah Deoraytah: השרש הראשון שאין ראוי למנות בכלל ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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