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Malbim on the irrationality/illegitimacy of Amalek

Malbim on Shmuel 1:15:2 writes about the irrationality, or perhaps the illegitimacy of Amalek's war with Bnei Yisrael: "כה אמר ה' צבאות, הנה התורה בארה בטעם מצות מיחוי זכר עמלק כמה טעמים כמ&...
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David's Amalekites [duplicate]

In I Samuel 15, it records that King Saul wiped out all of Amalek, besides the king who was killed after a short period of time. Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and ...
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Were Amalek offered a peaceful exit?

Inspired by this: The Rambam in Hilchos Melachim 6:1 writes: אין עושין מלחמה עם אדם בעולם, עד שקוראין לו לשלום--אחד מלחמת הרשות, ואחד מלחמת מצוה War is not waged with anyone in the world until they ...
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Why didn't Shaul kill Agag?

As recorded in I Sh'muel (chapter 15), Shaul, the king, was told by the prophet to destroy the nation of Amalek from man to woman, youngster to suckling, ox to sheep, camel to donkey. So he ...
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