A prominent minhag on seder night is that the children "steal" the afikoman and hide it. What follows is the normal haggling process as the father agrees to buy a child a gift in return for the afikoman.

However, is the father allowed to specify a certain gift, or is this an issue because of

מִמְּצ֥וֹא חֶפְצְךָ֖ וְדַבֵּ֥ר דָּבָֽר

Nor look to your affairs, nor strike bargains (Yeshaya 58:13)

This concept is codified in Halacha e.g. refer to Mishneh Torah, Shabbos 24:1 and SA OC 306:1 as well as others.

  • But it is related to a holiday related service that they are performing at that moment; namely in acquiring the mozza needed for the afikoman
    – larry909
    Commented Apr 26 at 3:57


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