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Question about klala in parshas hashavuahKi Tavo

I have a question about one of the klallotklalot in this week's parshah Ki Tavo, which makes this chilling prediction:

"The Lord will bring upon you a nation from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops down, a nation whose language you will not understand. A brazen nation, which will not respect the elderly, nor show favor to the young. They will devour the fruit of your livestock and the fruit of your soil, to destroy you. They will not leave over anything for you of the grain, wine, oil, offspring of your cattle or flocks of your sheep, until they annihilate you."

The Lord will bring upon you a nation from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops down, a nation whose language you will not understand. A brazen nation, which will not respect the elderly, nor show favor to the young. They will devour the fruit of your livestock and the fruit of your soil, to destroy you. They will not leave over anything for you of the grain, wine, oil, offspring of your cattle or flocks of your sheep, until they annihilate you.

Could this be a reference to Nazi Germany, which targeted the elderly and infirm; Rome/Edom, which destroyed the Beis HaMikdash; or possibly both?

Question about parshas hashavuah

I have a question about one of the klallot in this week's parshah, which makes this chilling prediction:

"The Lord will bring upon you a nation from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops down, a nation whose language you will not understand. A brazen nation, which will not respect the elderly, nor show favor to the young. They will devour the fruit of your livestock and the fruit of your soil, to destroy you. They will not leave over anything for you of the grain, wine, oil, offspring of your cattle or flocks of your sheep, until they annihilate you."

Could this be a reference to Nazi Germany, which targeted the elderly and infirm; Rome/Edom, which destroyed the Beis HaMikdash; or possibly both?

Question about klala in parshas Ki Tavo

I have a question about one of the klalot in parshah Ki Tavo, which makes this chilling prediction:

The Lord will bring upon you a nation from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops down, a nation whose language you will not understand. A brazen nation, which will not respect the elderly, nor show favor to the young. They will devour the fruit of your livestock and the fruit of your soil, to destroy you. They will not leave over anything for you of the grain, wine, oil, offspring of your cattle or flocks of your sheep, until they annihilate you.

Could this be a reference to Nazi Germany, which targeted the elderly and infirm; Rome/Edom, which destroyed the Beis HaMikdash; or possibly both?

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Question about parshas hashavuah

I have a question about one of the klallot in this week's parshah, which makes this chilling prediction:

"The Lord will bring upon you a nation from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops down, a nation whose language you will not understand. A brazen nation, which will not respect the elderly, nor show favor to the young. They will devour the fruit of your livestock and the fruit of your soil, to destroy you. They will not leave over anything for you of the grain, wine, oil, offspring of your cattle or flocks of your sheep, until they annihilate you."

Could this be a reference to Nazi Germany, which targeted the elderly and infirm; Rome/Edom, which destroyed the Beis HaMikdash; or possibly both?