The context is that A, B, and C just got home. They are now wandering around a big house looking for a group of kids. The 3 are wondering if the kids have been studying. A has not yet talked with C:

[line 1]「本当ですか?勉強していますか?」A-さんはたずねた。「証拠は?」
[line 2] 「C-さんが見ました」B-さんはいった。「勉強しているとかれがいうな���、それが立派な証拠だと思いますが」

Part of line #2 reads:


Because "かれ" is obviously C, do you really have to say "かれ"?
If you do not say "かれ", how does it change the nuance?

1 Answer 1


In this context, it would make little to no sense if 「かれ(が)」 were not said.

B-さん is saying that if it were C-さん(← かれ) who says that he saw the kids studying, it would be a highly trustworthy source of information. It is almost like saying "if the information came from C-さん of all people".

In other words, the fact that the witness is C-さん this time is being the condition for B-さん to call it a good proof that the kids are studying.

  • The "Cさん, of all people," meaning was exactly what was called for in the much much larger context that I could not include. Thanks.
    – david.t
    Commented Aug 8, 2015 at 15:32

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