World Food Programme

World Food Programme

Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro

Roma, RM 1.749.006 follower

Chi siamo

The United Nations World Food Programme is the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. We are the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change.

Sito Web
Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro
Dimensioni dell’azienda
Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
Sede principale
Roma, RM
Non profit
Settori di competenza
Humanitarian, International Relations, International Affairs, Nutrition, Programme & Policy, Logistics, Supply Chain, Emergency Response, Emergency Preparedness, International Development, Social Protection, Safety Net, Food Security, Emergency Relief e Aviation


Dipendenti presso World Food Programme


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    FOOD SAVES LIVES 🍲🌏 WFP teams answer the call for help wherever hunger threatens lives. They deliver for millions of people living through emergencies caused by conflict, climate shocks, and other disasters. Our promise? Operating with integrity, guided by humanitarian principles, and distributing assistance impartially. Learn more about the World Food Programme at

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di World Food Programme, immagine

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    🌍Amidst a humanitarian crisis affecting over 30 million people in southern Africa, the need for sustainable solutions has never been more critical. With over 70% of the population relying on agriculture for survival, communities are facing unprecedented challenges. World Food Programme Southern Africa is helping to transform food systems, empower women and youth, create economic opportunities and build climate resilience. Watch the full video

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di World Food Programme, immagine

    1.749.006 follower

    WFP's latest factsheet on Understanding Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance Solutions in the Asia Pacific is now LIVE 🚀   🌍 Countries in the Asia Pacific region are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate-related events. The diversity of climate-related risks and hazards they face underscores the critical need for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) instruments which can help reduce the economic and human cost of disasters. While most disaster response finance across the region is arranged post disaster, there is also scope for disaster risk financing instruments that could potentially be arranged in advance of a shock.   Therefore, WFP undertook a study 📚 to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of various macro-level CDRFI instruments to support government disaster response strategies.   Read this factsheet which summarizes the key findings and recommendations of the study 📝 👇 Learn more

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di World Food Programme, immagine

    1.749.006 follower

    World Food Programme and the Mastercard Foundation join forces to empower young people in countries across Africa 🌾🌍   In 2022, WFP and the Mastercard Foundation embarked on an ambitious partnership to promote youth employment in agriculture in Africa. The programme aims to make local agrifood systems more efficient, sustainable, and inclusive for young people across eight African countries (Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda). To achieve that, it provides various services to youth and youth-led enterprises – including training, input provision, technology, financial literacy mentorship, business development services, and market linkages to the private sector.   In #Uganda, programme participation has allowed Ponsiano to find a new income source in the maize value chain. Living in Kyegegwa, in Western Uganda, Ponsiano had to drop out of school due to lack of funds for school fees. He then began learning metalwork with his uncle, which inspired him to join a WFP one-week training on building maize shellers. These ‘post-harvest’ machines are designed to separate corn grains from cobs in a swifter, more efficient way – reducing losses and improving the quality of the maize.   Whether in production, food processing, service provision, distribution, or marketing, the WFP-Mastercard Foundation partnership aims to give Ponsiano and other youth the tools they need to plan, set goals, and achieve them.   Read more about the collaboration between WFP and the Mastercard Foundation below ⬇   #FoodSystems #SustainableDevelopment #YouthVoices

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di World Food Programme, immagine

    1.749.006 follower

    Meet Sandra Legg 👋 💙, Chief Aviation Officer for the UN Humanitarian Air Service (#UNHAS) in Kenya and Somalia. 🌟 Sandra ensures humanitarian aid workers fly safely to crisis zones where help is urgently needed. Despite the challenges of being away from her family, Sandra finds comfort in her team, who have become like a second family. Sandra tells us how she hopes to inspire more women to pursue careers in the aviation industry 👇 #UNHAS20

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di World Food Programme, immagine

    1.749.006 follower

    🚨 Sudan's war has set off the world's largest hunger crisis. The latest snapshot by TheIPCinfo report shows a rapid deterioration in food security in #Sudan - 755,000 people are in catastrophic conditions, the highest since the Darfur crisis in the early 2000s. WFP is rapidly scaling up to avert #famine, but time is running out as fighting intensifies in North Darfur's El Fasher, Khartoum and other conflict hotspots. WFP, FAO and UNICEF call for unhindered, sustained humanitarian access. Read more on

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