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Cornell University

Find the Owner of a Shared Box Folder

Learn how to find the owner of a shared box folder.

This article applies to: Box

1. Navigate to

2. Select Continue or Not a part of Cornell-Ithaca & Cornell Tech as appropriate to log in with your credentials.

3. Select the shared folder which you want to find the owner of.

A shared folder in Box, circled with an orange ellipses.

The folder’s contents will display in the central panel, and a Sharing and Details panel will display on the right side of the window.

4. Find the Owner in the list below the Sharing and Details section.

Sharing and Details panel in Box with "Owner" listed and highlighted by an orange box.

Please note:

You cannot request a quota increase for an account you do not own (i.e., your individual Box account, or a Box Departmental Folder where you're in the Owner group of the attached EGA).


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