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Cornell University

Check Box Departmental Folder Storage and Quota

This article applies to: Box

Box departmental folders have a default storage capacity of 50GB. (You can request more if your department needs additional space.) To see the amount of storage being used by a Box departmental folder, and the quota assigned to it:

  1. While inside the top level of the departmental folder, from the information pane, select Details.
    In the information pane, select Details.
  2. In Details, under Size, you will see how much storage the departmental folder currently contains.
    In Details under Size you will find total storage in the Box departmental folder
  3. To see the storage quota for this departmental folder, in the Metadata section, click Edit.
    Click Edit for Metadata to see the quota for the departmental account.
  4. The quota for the departmental account will be displayed. Do not edit the information in the metadata. Doing so will not change the quota. It will only change what is shown to you and others trying to find out the quota. 

To find out how to request more space for your departmental folder, see Manage Your Box Storage


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