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Unanswered Questions

77 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
2 answers

Was the Imam talking about Barzakh or Day of Judgment?

I read this question. I have often heard the Imam of my local mosque say the following: During Ramdan and on the day of Eid, many people will be released from Hell by the mercy of Allah. Also that, ...
3 votes
2 answers

What if a person on a journey broke the fast of Ramadan?

This: Traveling During Ramadan: Should I Still Fast? made me think about the following question: What if a person -like somebody who is on a journey during Ramadan- who had the choice not to fast, ...
3 votes
1 answer

When is a travelling person allowed to break his/her fast

Lets say my flight or start for the travel would be in the late morning in Ramadan and I'm willing to break my fast for the duration of my trip as it would be a kind of hardship. What are the views ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can i hold saliva in mouth until im done praying?

When im fasting i tend to collect saliva in my mouth when im praying and when im done praying i spit it out. Unfortunately for me the taste of drinking water is very strong so i always feel like im ...
2 votes
1 answer

Doubting whether I swallowed water or not

Asalamualaykum, If you’re making wudu and you’re up to the putting water in your mouth and you spat the water out then swallowed (whether it’s saliva or you just felt like you needed to swallow even ...
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0 answers

Context behind this hadith

The Prophet said, “Verily, Gabriel came to me and he said: Whoever reaches the month of Ramadan and he is not forgiven, then he will enter Hellfire and Allah will cast him far away, so say ameen. I ...
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0 answers

"Illness" during etikaf in Ramadan

What if someone become ill during etikaf. And for medication he/she have to visit the doctor. Can any person visit the doctor during "Etikaf".
2 votes
0 answers

Is there any authority who said that only a person who had the permission not to fast at the beginning of Ramadan is allowed to do so?

Allah says in (2:185) The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the ...
2 votes
1 answer

If I broke 38 fasts by masturbating, do I need to make up for 60 times this number of days?

I am a 24 year old unmarried male. I do not come from an Islamic Background. 90% of my knowledge comes from online classes and books. Like many young men, I am seriously addicted to masturbation. I ...
2 votes
1 answer

Was it permissible for me to drink water and breaking my fast after i accidentally swallowed soap?

I some how managed to swallow some soap while I was fasting.I was worried for my health due to other health conditions, and every article I read about accidentally swallowing soap, said to drink ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there any evidence in the Qur'an or Hadith which permits delaying Adhan?

In our state in India, some of scholars in the mosques are trying to keep the accuracy of the Azan timing by calling the Azan 5 minutes earlier for Subh and 5 minutes later for Magrib. They are ...
2 votes
2 answers

Can a person intend to break fast without actually eating or drinking right after the adhan of Maghrib?

We know that: "The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. ..." (For example in sahih al-Bukhari) or as ...
1 vote
0 answers

Who do I owe my zakat to?

I’m obliged to pay zakat this year as I am now earning. I had decided to give the money to someone who took care of my mother before she passed and now this person is seriously ill and is in hospital ...
1 vote
1 answer

Zakat to sister

Salam, i need advice. I have a sister who has 5 kids, 3 girls, and 2 boys all very young. They are all good in their studies. They live in Pakistan. The husband works abroad, but he doesn't send my ...
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0 answers

Question regarding taking major bath in the mid day in ramadan

Husband and wife after intimacy, they didn’t take shower, direct had have their suhoor and didn’t prayed fajr! And took bath in the mid day! Would the fasting of thiers be counted as valid?
1 vote
0 answers

If, during I'tikaf, I have to do remote work (for my job) for an hour due to a work-emergency, will it invalidate my I'tikaf?

If I do I'tikaf and during I'tikaf, an emergency situation arises at my work which can not be resolved without me doing some worldly work, will working (like software development) for a couple of ...
1 vote
0 answers

Watching inappropriate videos during fasting and not sure about the discharge was maniy or madhiu

When I prayed fajar today I saw a inappropriate dance video a liquid came out but when i woke up there was no stain on my pant does my fast is invalid or not ? May Allah bless you
1 vote
0 answers

Are there 2 Laylatul Qadr or just one?

We all know that Laylatul Qadr is in one of the last 5 odd nights of Ramadan (21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th). And as Allah SWT explains it's significance in Quran as The night of Al-Qadr is better ...
1 vote
1 answer

is my fast broken if i accidentally swallow water during wudu

after waking up for suhoor i was busy figuring out if something is haram so when i went to pray fajr there was 5 mins left and i went to go make wudu and while i was making wudu when i washed my mouth ...
1 vote
0 answers

Did ibn Tayymiyah indirectly allow fasting 31 days of Ramadan?

Once I've heard a lesson from a scholar in a mosque. And he pretended that ibn Taymiyyah held the opinion that a person must start fasting Ramadan with the community and the people at the location he ...
1 vote
0 answers

Im depressed. What does God and the Quran say about this?

A precursor to say that I already struggle with my relationship with religion. I am also a mental health champion. I have suffered from thoughts about not being alive since 8. I am now 30. Please note ...
1 vote
0 answers

Did all Muslims -of a time- ever start fasting or celebrating their 'Id's on the same day after the time of the Prophet?

Many people ask why Muslims don't start the fast Ramadan and celebrate their 'Id's on the same day. And even if many madhhabs claim that this is the chosen way, but it seems to me hardly practical ...
1 vote
0 answers

Are there any sources that discuss the permissibility of taking delayed release caffeine pills during Ramadan

Just what's in the title. There are pills that have delayed release functions. Can you take such a pill at night so that you can get your daily caffeine. Thank you, Alex
1 vote
0 answers

The wisdom behind the chaining up of the devils in Ramadan

Why are the devils chained up during the month of Ramadan ?
1 vote
0 answers

If one must break fast to drink, should they eat as well?

A Muslim has a permanent medical condition that causes severe health problems if they don't drink water during the day. However, they have no medical need for food. During the fast in Ramadan, should ...
1 vote
1 answer

Will EVERY single sin you have ever committed be forgiven if you fasted for all of Ramadan?

I am talking about major and minor sins. I heard in a hadith where if someone fasts for all of Ramadan hoping for its rewards all of his sins will wash away like the foam of the sea. Please answer ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does taking birth control break my fast?

I need to take birth control to keep things safe between my boyfriend and I but Ramadan has come and I am fasting because I am a devout Muslim and I am wondering if taking the birth control breaks my ...
1 vote
1 answer

what are the things which can break our fast

I just want to know that what things can break our fast because yesterday night i feel vomit but it could not reach even to my upper throat, it was happened just after drinking my last water at sehri ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is the shaytan released right before Eid or after?

There are numerous examples in the hadith literature referring to the fact that during the month of Ramadan, the shaytan is chained. For example, as narrated by Abu Hurayrah and transmitted through ...
0 votes
0 answers

High fever during suhoor which led me to miss it. Feeling better next day

Yesterday, I had high fever and was unable to do suhoor and planned to miss the fast. However, I still made the niyyah for the fast hoping my condition will get better the next day. I woke up at 8 and ...

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