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Unanswered Questions

604 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
7 votes
2 answers

Is vaginoplasty after childbirth to improve my husband's sexual pleasure permissible?

After having a child (where the delivery was normal) my husband is having a hard time fulfilling his sexual desire with me; not because of outward appearance, but during sex when he is inside me. ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is mental health treatment sufficient to make permissible otherwise haram acts? write about mental health: Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, ...
6 votes
2 answers

Is it haram to read copyrighted books online?

Is it haram to read copyrighted books online? I want to read a book but it isn't available in my language, only in Japanese (not manga). However, there is an English fan translation on the internet. ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is arbitrage betting haram?

Sometimes betting companies (who are of course bad) offer special promotions which gives you the chance to do arbitrage betting, meaning that it is possible to bet such that you win the same amount of ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is it halal to select an exchange rate to benefit my salary?

I am working in a company where I need to submit the daily expense bills in the system for my salary. My company has fixed my salary (e.g. 10000 Yen/month) and they says that my bills should not ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is it haram to showcase a wine project on a website for work?

My current company has given me a project to showcase a wine project on their website. I have not created the site but I am putting it on their website's showcase (Since its done by the company). Will ...
4 votes
3 answers

What should i do for Jummah when at sea for 3-5 weeks?

As Salamu Alaykum, I am at sea for anything for 3 to 5 weeks as a fisherman, but I am also the only Muslim on the vessel. This has created a problem for me in that on Friday I am the only person ...
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2 answers

Is it permissible to take a supplement that contains an ingredient derived from pork?

Is it permissible to take a supplement that contains an ingredient derived from pork? Even if it’s needed as part of a treatment process? I want to take an HCL and digestive enzymes supplement that ...
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0 answers

Lying in the Job C.V and haram money

Firstly, I was wondering previously that many people lie about themselves in their job CV. As the person is getting job on the basis of his/her qualifications in the CV. So, as he is getting hired on ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is it Haram to write bad words?

I am writing a story and want to portray one of the characters as harmful and abusive. I was wondering if I am allowed to have him use vulgar words because it is not me saying it, it is him.
3 votes
1 answer

How does one decide if the meat is halal if he doesn't witness the slaughter?

Anyone can make a claim that a food is halaal. There are food and imported meat that are certified halaal. But, these are imported from Muslim minority countries (like imported chicken from Brazil). ...
3 votes
1 answer

Does Making And Or Selling Fishing Lures Haram?

Assalaamu'alaikum, I've read about imitating the creation of Allaah is haram. Does making lures like these is considered as imitating the creation of Allaah and is haram?
3 votes
0 answers

Working at the company that has halal and harram business model, is it Permissible?

Let's say there is a company that generate revenue from finding an eligible or qualified person who can take a loan at interest(Riba). this company will get paid from the conventional bank if succeed ...
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0 answers

Is a baby shower permissible?

I didn't find any question regarding baby showers, so I'll first explain what a baby shower is: it is a celebration for a lady during her 5th or 7th month of pregnancy; In this function, bangles were ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can I have cross on my website which includes religions such as Christianity?

I am building a website that has various topics in it. One category is religion, and it has topics about various religions around the world. I want to create a topic about Christianity and I have to ...
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0 answers

Is working in central bank haram which does not provide loans nor keep deposits based on interest?

So far I know that working in riba-based bank is not allowed. But for central bank, which does not provide loans nor keep deposits based on interest, will it be permissible to work on the central bank ...
3 votes
0 answers

Attending a baptism: Haram or shirk?

I've read that it is haram to attend non-Muslim rituals like the Hindu diwali and Christian baptisms. That sounds pretty logical to me. However, some scholars say that it is shirk. They say that it is ...
3 votes
3 answers

Writing Stories. Haram or not?

I've heard and read proofs that writing fictional stories are haram. Some people, like me, are given talents of writing poems and stories and the like. I've made up a story that is really beneficial ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can we look at pictures of the deceased?

I’ve always been told that we can’t have pictures of the deceased or look at those pictures once they have passed away. Is that true in my anyway? Will they get punished because of us viewing their ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can women put their pics (with hijab) on internet?

I've already inquired for a similar question, but my previous question was in regards to "Can women put their pictures (without hijab) on the internet". So, at that question I concluded that ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is hair transplantation allowed in islam

Assalamu alaikum, My question is as in the subject, is hair transplant allowed in islam? Can we go through the process of adding new hair from other area of the head where there is more growth of hair....
3 votes
1 answer

Is it permissible to use Qur'anic quotes as decorations?

Can I decorate my home or working place with Islamic elements? For example, using suras or words from the Qur'an, or kahbatullah pictures, or various du'as as both decoration and as a reminder so that ...
3 votes
2 answers

Can one draw images of humans and animals without their eyes?

We know that drawing pictures of animate creatures is prohibited in Islam. The following hadeeth are very explicit. Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ...
3 votes
1 answer

After switching from pirated software to free software will my work still be haram?

I am still in school and going to college this year InshaAllah. The announcement received May 27th at state universities, may Allah bless my college. I want to take computer science. The problem is ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is intraday trading haraam if you convert losses to investments?

The name "intra-day trader" refers to a stock trader who opens and closes a position in a security in the same trading day. ... Day traders and intra-day traders are at the top of the risk spectrum. --...
3 votes
2 answers

Islamic standing on a 20-year-old male living with much older female?

I am a 20-year-old male and I have a much older female friend (early 60s) who is getting divorced. I would like to offer her a room in my house until she gets back on her feet. I would appreciate any ...
3 votes
1 answer

Food with earnings from halal and haram money

A non-Muslim friend recently invited me out for lunch a few days back. Naturally, since he had invited me, he picked up the tab at the restaurant. Now I am worried about a few things. This friend ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is this business halal?

AssalamuAlaykum. I'm trying to go into the cosmetology niche with web design. Meaning I create websites for businesses that specialize with cosmetology. Or even cosmetology schools. I know in these ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is Height lengthening haram

Height lengthening, also known as limb lengthening or leg lengthening, is a medical procedure that involves lengthening a person's bones to increase their height. This procedure is typically done by ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is it permissible to recite any random ayah of the Quran repeatedly like a dhikr?

So I read that reciting the Quran is the best dhikr and there is reward with reciting every letter of the Quran. If that's the case, can I take any random ayah and recite it again and again as a form ...
2 votes
2 answers

If Allah forgives all sin, why should I do any good deeds?

I am asking this question not from a personal point of view, but more philosophically. I often come across Muslims who are openly committing every type of sin, and they justify it by saying, "...
2 votes
2 answers

Are the creator/contributor of a social network/media responsible of the user-activity?

If a person creates/contributes in creation of a social media/network. Is he responsible/questionable of the user-activity? Does niyyah/intention play a role? For example; lets imagine "x" ...
2 votes
3 answers

Ruling on Fiverr's (freelance platform) commission for a permanent client

I and my brother worked online as the freelance developers through Fiverr. I gave an interview to a client in November/December 2020 for my brother and myself in which I mentioned that we will both ...
2 votes
0 answers

Saving money as a group but source is shady

In asia countires, People have kamati/kaymati (sound : committee), in which everyone put in certain amount for certain time of period and every month, each member get money. There is someone who has ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is it haram to have a breast reduction/enlargement surgery?

I am 15 years old and my breasts are very huge and saggy. Is it permissible for me to have a breast reduction surgery when i get older? Please note that my breasts cause me a great deal of ...
2 votes
0 answers

Burial of ashes of a Muslim who has been cremated due to Corona Virus?

Due to the Corona Virus epidemic, Muslims in Sri Lanka are being cremated according to a gazetted law. The Ulema say the ashes can be buried. Please clarify this with valid references.
2 votes
0 answers

Is Drawing head separated from the body (No neck) Haram?

Salam I just wanna know that, is it haram to draw humans but the head is separated from the body like no neck, similar to the bathroom sign figure. Is this permissible?
2 votes
0 answers

Will it be haram to earn money by lying while negotiating a (buying) deal

I know it's haram to lie. My question is more complicated than just lying to earn money. What if I want to see if the other person is giving me a reasonable price and to do that I lie that I am ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is it acceptable to place the elbows on my thighs and knees during supplication because of tiredness?

When I perform supplication (dua), I raise my hands but after several minutes my arms feel tired, so in general I feel more comfortable to place my elbows on my thighs or knees. I still do maintain ...
2 votes
0 answers

Stearyl Alcohol and Urea in my face cream?

After doing wudu, I put face cream that contains stearyl alcohol and urea. I also pray with that cream. I am also fasting (it is Ramadan now). Is it ok to use this cream or did my wudu/prayers/fast ...
2 votes
0 answers

Halal Income from haram source

several years ago i used to do youtube adsense. where i review anime / film. the anime is very unislamic. i get money from reviewing that so it's haram money. one day i decided to use that money to ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can we eat foods just tasted by crows?

A crow has taken a fish from the pot of fishes with gravy(liquid) and flew away. In this case can I eat the rest food? Is it made najis or is it become Haram ? By the way, I don't know whether that ...
2 votes
2 answers

Is losing wudu during the prayer, and then continuing the prayer haraam?

Salam alaykum brothers, today when I was at the mosque, I lost my wudu during the prayer (2nd rakaat, while reciting Surah Al-Fatiha if I remember correctly), after that I was too embarrassed to just ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is chocolate haram since the average bar apparently has 8 insect parts?

The FDA allows up to 60 insect parts per 100 grams of chocolate. Since all insects (except locusts) are considered haram would consuming these chocolates be haram too. Since it is hard for the ...
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0 answers

If i work as a servant of a man whos income source is haram, is it haram to work?

I want to work as a servant of a man, who works at a bank. I know his income is not halal. So, if i works for that man, will my income be haram also?
2 votes
0 answers

Rights and duties of wife when husband is abroad without her consent

Assalamoaliqum, I am a working women, mother of one married for more than an year. At the time of proposal or nikkah it was not mentioned that my husband and I will have to live seperatly and he will ...
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0 answers

Is it haram to take and save digital photographs in islam?

I read somewhere that photography is haram in Islam, but i am little bit confused about digital photography. Can someone explain the situation to me in detail? Is it haram to take and save digital ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is receiving a daily return on a cryptocurrency investment halal, haram, or makruh?

I invested in a cryptocurrency. The company offered a mining and stake pool program. In that program, they have a return on investment (ROI), so I took a part of it. For example: buy a 100 coin and ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is a boar hair beard brush permitted?

I've noticed the brushes for beard hair (and shaving to apply foam/gel if you decided to shave!) is made from boar (pig) hair. Can we use these?
2 votes
0 answers

Can a weak Muslim country at war with a powerful Muslim country seek help from a powerful non-Muslim country?

Suppose two Muslim countries are at war, one weak country and one powerful country, and the weak one expects to be conquered. Question: Can a weak Muslim country at war with a powerful Muslim country ...

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