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Unanswered Questions

99 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Hadith Qudsi in Saadi's Gulistan

In the Omphaloskepsis edition of the Persian poet Saadi's Gulistan (Rose Garden), based on the translation of Edward Rehatsek, Saadi mentions this tradition: The tradition is that whenever a sinful ...
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Ali's letter to his son - authentic?

Is the famous letter (filled with parental advice) attributed from Ali to his son al-Hasan an authentic piece? I am not aware of an isnad or a physical manuscript. Here's a link:
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Is this hadith about dhikr authentic?

Aasim bin Bahdah, from Abee Saalih from Umm Haanee bint Abee Taalib (Prophet’s cousin). She said,"The Messenger of Allaah passed by me so I said, ‘I have become old and weak (or she said ...
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Is it true that after a person returns from Hajj or Umrah, all his supplications (i.e. dua's) are accepted for 40 days?

I have heard that after a person returns from performing Hajj or Umrah, all of his supplications (dua's) are accepted for 40 days. My question is that is this piece of information authentic? Does it ...
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Authentic hadith or supernatural talks?

Assalaamu a'laykum wa ragmatullahie wabarakaatu! I have heard from a family member not to wiggle your feet whilst eating. Also that it means Shaytaan is busy with you whenever you play/wiggle your ...
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Looking for a source of narration of Bilal being an advocate for a marriage candidate!

In one of the lessons of sheikh 'Omar Abdulkafy I witnessed around 17-20 years ago he narrated a story for which I'm looking for both source and authenticity: The story is about a Muslim man (It ...
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How should we understand the connection between the Prophet and the poem of Tarafa and what is the authenticity of the narration if there is any?

In the known mu'allaqa of Tarafa the poet -whom in my opinion used many words of wisdom which seem to go along with many teachings of Islam- said/wrote the verse saying: ستُبْدي لكَ الأيامُ ما كنتَ ...
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Is the strage narration " should praise Allah and your anus" authentic?

Is this strange narration authentic?! One day ‘Ali attacked Amr ibn Aas, he threw a spear and Amr fell to the ground, Amr fell to the ground and he then exposed his buttocks. ‘Ali then turned away ...
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Is this a sahih hadith: "They are those who accumulated wealth without differentiating between lawful and unlawful..."?

Prophet narrated: On the Night of Mi'raj, I saw people lying on their backs with drum-like, transparent bellies where there are all kinds of creatures. I asked my brother Jibrail, "What are they?" ...
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Is the hadith about Sun and other heavenly bodies being created after Earth authentic?

In this narration itsays that this is sahih but I don't know if all scholars think the same. A sound tradition from the Messenger of God told us by Hannad b. al-Sari, who also said that he read all of ...
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How is this hadith understood?

Recorded in Sirah al-Nabawiyyah and Mustadrak al-Hakim: I am a black man who is black, foul smelling with an ugly face. If I fight these people until I am killed where will I be. He said "In ...
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What is the authenticity of these ahadith prohibiting the duff?

Hadhrat Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) said: "Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) prohibited beating of the duff (drum) and the sound of the flute." (Nailul Autaar) Hadhrat Ali (radhiyallahu ...
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Stories about Prophet Seth

Are there any authentic narrations about Prophet Sheeth (AS) in any authentic books or other books of hadith? How authentic are the stories told about him?
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Can jinns reveal my private thoughts and feelings to other people?

Assalamu Alaikum. Recently, I'm getting this feeling that someone can know every single thoughts of mine with the help of jinn. I'm also doing Zikr. But I still get this feeling that someone can ...
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Is this Narration, Musanaf ibn abi Shayba 3734, authentic?

There's this Narration in Musanaf al Shaybah which says that Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar ibn khattab (RA) burned the house of Fatima (RA) and Killed her.I need help to understand if this narration is weak ...

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