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Questions tagged [world]

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How realistic it is to combine money, fame, & be religious at the same for a Muslim?

Assalamu Alaikum, In today's world, reconciling the pursuit of wealth, fame, and religious dedication is a common concern. Is it feasible to attain material success while upholding faith? Does seeking ...
Adnan's user avatar
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Are there any verses in the Quran that address temptation and how to prevent temptation?

My city is full of people who do haram things all the time (seemingly) unknowingly. People smoke, do drugs, box, watch haram films, fight, dont dress modestly, talk to people of the opposite gender in ...
M.A's user avatar
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Why is Zina compared to murder and other major sins?

What is greater sin between murder and zina? Looking at this answer you can see Zina is a major sin as it is compared to the likes of murder. However, I cant understand why.
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People who have received less in dunya would they receive more in Jannah?

Many muslims they had successful and happy life in this world, maybe they had wealth or became a famous or became a great scholar or became a leader or had a good spouse and children etc whatever ...
MrJannah's user avatar
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How will Allah judge people on the basis of this unfair life?

Assalamualaikum.. my question is regarding the fairness of this life's test. A group of pious people are having an OK life and they are doing their islamic duties correctly. A second group of pious ...
JoomlaHero's user avatar
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What does Islam say about birth of living being?

What does Islam say about birth of living being? I've read that according to Quran, God(Allah) is creator, destroyer, judge,..etc. So, as we know that world is made of two things 1.sentient/living(सजी...
Integrity's user avatar
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Why don't we have the power to decide if we should be born in this world or not?

My question is going to be straight and direct because I believe in asking it instead of keeping it with me. I think answers can convince a person to a huge extent and remove all the doubts that may ...
Muslim's user avatar
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Is the existence of the world a miracle?

Miracles are used generally in theological/religious contexts; outside of them they're seen as either rationally explicable as signifiers of theological truths that are uncovered by hermeneutics of ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar