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Questions tagged [shrine]

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How do tell my family not to got dargah (shrine)?

Assalamualaikum, I am actually a 14 year old boy, my family goes to dargah (shrine of a dead person) and I don't know exactly what they do but I think they might have committed shirk, I realised this ...
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Is making Shrine from Gold a sin?

I have been asked this questions many times, That why the zarih of Imam Hussain and Moula abbas (and many others) is made of Gold. Sometimes it is referenced that "Gold is forbidden(Haram) for men,...
Seeker's user avatar
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Who was Ali-Ibn-Mahziar al-Ahvazi (al-Ahwazi)?

َAs far as I know, there is the shrine (tomb) of a person whose name is considered as Ali-ibn-Mahziar-al-Ahvazi (علی بن مهزیار الاهوازی) in Ahvaz (Ahwaz) (the capital of Khuzestan province (Iran)). ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
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Performing Salah near shrines or graves allowed or not?

The city where I live has many shrines (structures made on the graves of some religious people) and people (both men and women) in large numbers (tens of thousands) visit those shrines and also offer ...
saibbyweb's user avatar
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What is the purpose of putting a red flag on the dome of Hussain ibn Ali(as)'s shrine?

I see there is red flag on the dome of Hussain ibn Ali(as)'s shrine, which is replaced with a black one for the month of Muharram and Safar. Which is not to be seen on the dome of any other religious ...
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar