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Kufr/shirk in Games

As selamu Aleykum Brothers and Sisters, I have hard waswasa when i Play Videogames which contains false religions or false gods as example the Greek ones. I have read a lot about it that playing such ...
Yusuf's user avatar
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A person who has committed tawbah for one particular sin, but at the same time commits other sins

For example, a person committed tawbah for shirk, repented never to return to it, but at the same time he commits other sins. (Listening to music, watching movies, committing adultery) Would his tauba ...
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Do you lose your religion for doing something that you are unsure is kufr or shirk

If you do something that you are unsure is kufr or shirk do you lose your religion, and could you provide evidence please? Are you sinful for it?
ProNoob's user avatar
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Worry about shirk

One day l was praying salat bad thoughts came to me. Somehow didn't repelled them. And l started to think about the by myself. And l have a question a we accountable for what l say in my mind. I think ...
Yasir Mohamed's user avatar
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If I have to raise my leg above the drawer containing Islamic books to get into bed, am I doing kufr?

Assalamualaikum Anybody kindly read my question thoroughly and answer it is kufr or not One day I was going for sleep. There was a low laying cupboard near the leg position of the bed. It was closed ...
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What is the ruling if we raised our leg against a closed cupboard

Assalamualaikum , What is the ruling if we raised our leg against a low laying closed cupboard that has Islamic books in it , does it will be considered as kufr if we done it without an intention of ...
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Do I recieve sins for a friend calling me a "god" at a game

So basically we play a videogame and he called me "god"(for being good at it) which is what I immediately reacted to and told him not to as I am but a human..Could I somehow receive sins ...
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