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Questions tagged [jannah]

The Islamic conception of paradise.

46 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What will Jannah be like?

Based on the hadith, in Jannah, you will have everlasting happiness and you will get anything you want. But the real question is, what happens if two people have contradictory desires? For example, ...
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If Jannah has levels and all wishes will be granted then couldn't a person wish himself to top level?

What the title says! It's very clear that there are levels, and higher levels have the best things/status. And if you are living in a lower level couldn't you just wish to be in the top most level. ...
Muhammad Umer's user avatar
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What are the differences between companions of right and people in front?

In Chapter 56, Quran says people will be put into three groups in the Day of Judgment: companions of left, companions of right, and people in front (or foremost). From the some verses in this chapter, ...
SpiderRico's user avatar
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will a womens attraction for other men in jannah be taken away?

Assalamualaikum, I read this somewhere, Ibn Katheer said: “ they (the women of Jannah) lower their gaze and avoid looking at men other than their husbands, so they do not think that there is anything ...
Amreena Khan's user avatar
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What is the correct distance of "Al Kauther "?

According to Sahih Hadeeth "Al Kauther" has different distances. Which one is the correct distance? Volume 8, Book 76, Number 579: Narrated Ibn 'Umar: The Prophet said, "There will be a tank (...
ayub's user avatar
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Is saying a child who has not reached puberty but died before reaching it is in Jannah?

Assalamualaikum, I actually know that a person's sins are started counting when he reaches puberty, but if someone dies before reaching puberty, is he/she in Jannah? And will I be held sinful for ...
Sajida Sanadi's user avatar
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Would people from lower level Jannah able to travel to higher level Jannah?

Would people from lower level Jannah able to travel to higher level Jannah? I don't mean move to higher level Jannah permanently, just travel there then comeback to your place in lower level Jannah. ...
MrJannah's user avatar
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Can women ask for fictional men in Jannah?

This might be a bit weird, but I had to ask. Are women allowed to ask for fictional men in Jannah? I saw a previous question of a man asking, and all the responses were saying yes. However Allah ...
Poppy chibi's user avatar
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Can a woman marry more than one husband in Jannah?

i am a girl and even if it sounds weird i have crush on many fictional men and i wanted to know when i go to jannah can i marry all of them? i know a woman can have only one husband in here but Jannah ...
eustass's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the caveat in Hud (11:108)?

The Qur'an repeatedly says that paradise is unending. For example, in Luqman (31:8-9), it is said Verily, those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them are Gardens of Delight to abide forever ...
Favst's user avatar
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Can i get a family consisting of a lot of relatives eg brothers and sister whom i dont have in this life in jannah?

Assalamualaikum It is said that we get whatever we wish for in jannah and also we can be with our family in this life if i dont have a big family consisting of uncle aunties brithers and ...
Naima's user avatar
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Will pork be allowed in Jannah?

Jannah is said to have rivers of wine, gold clothes and beautiful music. If those are allowed in heaven, does it mean we can also eat pork and draw living things? Will it also be okay to listen rock, ...
Fahad Nayef's user avatar
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Sexual desires in heaven?

Ok so i have a a few questions about the nature if heaven. 1.why would there be sexual desires in heaven? The purpose of sexual desires and marriage is to facilitate the propagation of a species. So ...
Noman's user avatar
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Is there any hadith which says you may get glad tidings of Jannah in dreams?

I red or heard a few stories that people were told in dreams they will enter Jannah, is there any hadith which says you may get glad tidings of Jannah in dreams?
MrJannah's user avatar
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Will we look similar to how we looked in the Dunya in Jannah?

In Jannah, will we look similar to how we looked in the Dunya as in similar facial features and physical traits, but perfected and beautified and free of all flaws, or will we instead get an entirely ...
user32638's user avatar
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What would a see through / transparent woman/houri/wife in jannah/paradise look like (as described by Sahih Bukhari)?

What would a see through / transparent woman look like in jannah/paradise (as described by Sahih Bukhari)? If they are transparent then you would see their their bones, and the hadith mention this. ...
barlop's user avatar
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People who have received less in dunya would they receive more in Jannah?

Many muslims they had successful and happy life in this world, maybe they had wealth or became a famous or became a great scholar or became a leader or had a good spouse and children etc whatever ...
MrJannah's user avatar
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What is the state of a baby who dies in the womb in the hereafter?

What is the state of a baby who dies in the womb in the hereafter? Will it go to jannah or not? Give answer according to islamic point of view!
PRINCESS's user avatar
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Is there any description on each level of jannah?

As we know that there are seven levels of jannah(Heaven), So is there any description on each level of jannah and which level of jannah is restricted to which certain type of people.
mava's user avatar
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I want to know about if have a knowledge of Barzakh and sins

How sins work? When person sins, a black spot will be in heart, when person seek forgiveness from Allah or recite Quran, it will remove their black spot on his heart like a medicine to make them hear ...
Mohamed Mohamed's user avatar
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Can someone that died upon shirk go to Jannah?

Now in Islam we know shirk is the sin that will take you to jahannam My question is if someone dies upon shirk (Hindu, believing Jesus is god, Trinity. Etc) but they never heard of Islam or got the ...
kazi's user avatar
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Is hair tinsel haram it is colored threads (maybe it is made of plastic)tie with hair in the same hair length wearing them at home and parties haram?

[![enter image description here][1]][1] A photo for hair tinsel [1]:
user61633's user avatar
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Reading ayatul kursi after fardh namaz

(Abu Umamah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever recites the ‘verse of the Throne’ after every prescribed prayer, there will be nothing standing between ...
Sohail's user avatar
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Is this Hadith authentic about the virgins of paradise

Abu Hurayra said, Allah be well-pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah said, upon him blessings and peace: “The humblest of the People of Paradise in rank shall have seven levels and as he will be ...
Allah lover's user avatar
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How death is erased in the afterlife?

I want to ask a question out of curiosity, it's a matter of the afterlife. In a hadith that I once read, that the Prophet said "death will be brought in the form of a black and white sheep, then ...
Aziz Rahma's user avatar
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Is it halal to make memorabilia of family who passed away?

My sister passed away from a born sickness a few days ago. She had a wheel chair i would like to turn into a memorabilia of some sort. I wanted to take it to a black smith and have it smelted and ...
Suleiman Sheikh's user avatar
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I Loved a man but he passed away he was unmarried I want to be with him in jannah is it possible? it ok to stay unmarried according to islam?

I loved a man but he passed away He was unmarried and He had righteous character and I fell for him because of that, I do not plan on getting married in this life and I've been praying to Allah, ...
Syeda's user avatar
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Does mahram at dunyah also mahram at jannah?

Asalamoalikum! I read about a fatwa in which the mufti writes that a man will be allowed to marry his mahram (sister nephew etc) except mother and daughter in jannah. He didn't mentioned any ayah or ...
Aimal Khan's user avatar
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Can a person “sincerely” disbelieve? If so, what’s their fate?

I’m not too familiar with the ins and outs of Islam, so forgive my ignorance. I was wondering, after Islam was revealed, whether a non-muslim could be admitted to paradise if he “sincerely” ...
user39111's user avatar
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What happens if you don't boycott all israeli products?

I try to boycott most of the products that support israel but not all, am i sinful for not boycotting and what kind of haram is it, do i take the rights of the palestinian people?
dill's user avatar
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