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Questions tagged [hudud]

Use for questions on prescribed legal punishments i.e. for adultery, theft, robbery, drinking wine and slander.

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Are there hudood on sins commited in private?

Is there any hadd on sins committed in private? Are hudood only established if the sin is done publicly?
Abdullah's user avatar
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Implementation Qisas & Hadd on Slave [duplicate]

Who implements the punishment of Qisas or Hadd if the convict is a slave? Is it Master of Slave or a person appointed by the Qadhi? Specifically Want to Know the position of Hanbali Madhab.
Mohammad Alam's user avatar
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Will a non-Muslim be punished for false accusation of adultery?

Islam has a law whereby false accusation of adultery is punished: Those who accuse chaste women ˹of adultery˺ and fail to produce four witnesses, give them eighty lashes ˹each˺. And do not ever ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Can Hadd punishments be given to slaves by the owner, without the ruler's permission?

Al-Shawkaani said: It was narrated from Abu’l-Zinaad from his father that the fuqaha’ of the people of Madeenah used to say that no one should carry out any of the hadd punishments except the ruler, ...
user56846's user avatar
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What's the logic and wisdom behind punishing those who become nonMuslim?

Why islamic sharia set such a harsh punishment for those who abandon religion islam? Isn't it against freedom of religion? I read that Islamic state will compel and bound Muslims who inherit the ...
Abdul Hadi's user avatar
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Why isn't a women’s testimony accept in Hadd punishments?

Assalamu alaikum, Why isn’t a women’s testimony accepted in cases where a Hadd punishment is involved, or taken into account for the Hadd punishment?
Random111's user avatar
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Why did the Prophet ﷺ order to cut off the hands and feet of the people who killed the shepherd?

Why did the Prophet order to cut off the hands and feet of the people who killed the shepherd? Narrated Anas bin Malik: Al-bukhari 5727 Some people from the tribes of Ukl and Uraina came to Allah's ...
Yaseen Dar's user avatar
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What was the punishment for practicing homosexuality (men) in the time of the Prophet (pbuh)?

Has there any reports of punishments handed out with the agreement of the prophet(pbuh) that have been recorded in a sahih hadith? Thank you in advance.
L No's user avatar
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Why were the hypocrites not killed?

There is a narration where a sahabi was given a list of the hypocrites of Madina, so the prophet (pbuh) knew of them but didn't do anything to them. Why did he do this if the punishment of apostasy is ...
Learningtocode's user avatar
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What punishment is given if a person commits adultery after divorce or during iddah?

I heard that if the person commits zina (adultery), if he wasn't married yet, he gets punished with something like 1 year prison and 40 lashes, if he commits adultery while he's married, it's ...
AnonPLI's user avatar
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Is the punishment for rape stoning to death?

I was wondering if the punishment for rape is stoning. This includes the situations where the rapist or rape victim is married or not (meaning if the rape is also an act of adultery or just ...
Sup Whaddup's user avatar
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What is the evidence that an Apostate is allowed to avoid execution by repentance?

I was asked this by an Apostate. He wanted to know what the evidence is that an Apostate can evade execution by repenting and returning to Islam. I know this is the judgement of the madhahib and Umar ...
Hisham's user avatar
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I ejaculated inside but penis head was not fully inside now hadd punishment is imposed or not? [duplicate]

I ejaculated inside but penis head was not fully inside(i.e not disappeared into the vagina) now hadd punishment is imposed or not?
Ali turn's user avatar
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Are 4 witnesses required for Slaves?

Sahih Muslim Book 17, Number 4221 Abu Huraira reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was asked about the slave-woman who committed adultery and was not protected (married). He said: ...
Harris's user avatar
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If a Muslim commits adultery while living in a non Islamic country (eg: the UK) is the punishment execution?

I suppose there are multiple angles to this question: Can a sharia court from outside the country of residence be used? Can punishment be carried out in a foreign country (where execution is not ...
Frank's user avatar
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