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Can Allah give foreskin back?

Is there any specific Dua? Or you need to follow certain rules and commands of Allah like fasting all days during Ramadan, 5 times Prayers will doing all of that Allah grant foreskin back if that's ...
Mine32's user avatar
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My question how to ask for forgiveness against other person ,but only i know of the sin

If my sin involves a person but they were not harmed, I should still ask for their forgiveness. Only I know the sin I committed against them; they are unaware of it. I'm very worried if I can't ask ...
Iron Man's user avatar
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Why do I feel as if Allah doesn’t listen to me

I have made countless duas and but none get accepted. At first it was of grades then to get accepted into a uni. After I didn’t get accepted I researched on duas and figured it may have not been best ...
Anon's user avatar
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As a revert, how do I stop losing my imaan when my duas are not answered? [closed]

I'm a revert from christianity, and I have been just trying to test out other religions and Islam is the one that stuck out to me even when I went back to Christianity. I saw that Islam really ...
vanessa morozenko's user avatar
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Is it possible to make dua to Allah to see Allah in my dream for guidance?

I want to see Allah in my dream asking if I am going towards Jannah.
Mohamed Mohamed's user avatar
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How to ask Allah to conceal my sins

I have lied and committed many sins. This was because I was not connected with Allah in the way I am now. Alhumdullilah I was shown back to the right path, but I’m fearful that my past lied and deceit ...
hassan junaid's user avatar
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Would it be haram as a Sunni Muslim to ask Allah to give you a serious illness in your dua?

Not to ask for death but to ask for a serious illness that could potentially kill you e.g asking for a severe form of the coronavirus or cancer. Is it haram to ask for this in Dua?
Natura-Diddly's user avatar
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Will Allah forgive me for this bad dua? [duplicate]

i did a bad dua and i said "Allah dont forgive me even if i felt regret about doing this dua".i felt regret and sadness about asking this dua so i repented.Will allah still forgive me or no?
user41913's user avatar
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Somebody help i have been experiencing intrusive thoughts and i need answers

So i have been having bad thoughts about allah since a month now it became worse i started tp think about bad duas for example like (god dont forgive me forever) but i dont want that dua to happen ...
user41913's user avatar
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Does Allah accept duas againt people?

if someone did a dua against themselves then they regretted doing the dua.Will Allah accept it or deny it because the person felt regret and he's sorry?
user41913's user avatar
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Help me In recovering [closed]

Hello Brothers and Sisters, I am writing here as a resort for help. I dont know what to do. months ago i got involved in things I shouldn't have, I had been talking with a guy from my middle eastern ...
user36408's user avatar
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(Please Answer.. plssss.. ) If our dua can get unanswered then what is the point in making dua in the first place?

I went through this antireligious talk of George Carlin where he says that whatever god you believe and to whomever you pray to, there is only 50-50 chance that your prayer gets answered. And he also ...
Mohmed Shahid's user avatar
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Communication with Allah

Assalamoalaikum Recently I have been praying for something to be happen, its been 1.5months that I am making dua for it even offering salat-e-hajat also repenting to Allah. Due to some facts it is ...
Abeerah Rehman's user avatar
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Confused over whether result of my istikhara is positive or negative

I have been interested in a girl I met in my university. I wanted to ask for her hand in marriage but she told me she was already engaged to someone from her family (although she was interested in me ...
Muhammad Hamza's user avatar
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Quran 55:29-31 interpretation "yas aluhu"

I want to ask about What is the interpretation of Quran 55:29 and the relation with Quran 55:31? Does the word "yas aluhu" here means to do dua and the meaning "we will attend to you" means Allah ...
Tomsofty33's user avatar
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How to get a dua accepted?

How to get my dua answered? How to earn Allah's mercy? I have been praying desperately for past many months but life still is not improving significantly. Sometimes things improve and then they become ...
Yum's user avatar
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Can a teen age girl can shave her head due to lice and hair loss problems

Shaving head due to lice and hair problems
Nilofar sameena .m's user avatar
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How to get rid of a sihr? [duplicate]

First of all I apologize for my grammar as english is not my first language and I don’t know what’re the exact words in some sentences. So someone did sihr to my best friend and her whole family. Her ...
Abc's user avatar
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How is a women in her menses supposed to make dua without making wudu?

I know we have to be purify before making salah and praising Allah swt. But how's a woman supposed to make supplications to Allah swt if she's on her menses and not purify.
A...'s user avatar
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How to properly do dua?

I would just get on my knees and just start asking, but I have been told that I have to send blessings to the prophet (pbuh) or it won't be valid. That I should thank Allah swt first then bless the ...
A...'s user avatar
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Is dua not an option but an obligation?

Do you MUST make dua? Is it a voluntary or do we MUST? Will one go to hell if the Muslim does not make dua? If so, what type of duas? Types of Dua Dua al mas’ala (ask) e.g. Grant me … Dua al ...
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Does Allah send a person to hell if he is mad at them?

This may sound like a stupid question but maybe that is because I am not smart when it comes to Islamic stuff. In the hadith, it said that if one does not ask Allah: Allah gets angry. But what is ...
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In what ways does Allah communicate with us?

In what ways does Allah communicate with us? If we have a problem, for example, and we ask Allah to provide a solution to our problems, but we can't think of any, how does Allah communicate with us? ...
Bilalm's user avatar
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What's the true purpose of dua?

Allah is almighty and all knowing, he knows about our hopes and wishes and about our destiny, he knows what's best - so surely dua can't be about influencing him or making him change his mind. But ...
Hanan's user avatar
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Can Allah change the past? [duplicate]

If we ask Allah to remove something from our past like it never happened, can He do that? I know Allah works in ways we couldn't even imagine.
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How powerful is the dua Yastasheer? [closed]

I heard that the dua Yastasheer is a very powerful Dua and if you recite it 3 times there is nothing that Allah won't grant of your wishes in this life and the hereafter. Has anyone else heard this? ...
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Dua'a for things you do not mean

Sometimes i subconsciously ask for bad things in my Dua'a that i don't want. Because i know that i'm not supposed to ask it, it just happens. e.g. i will make a Dua'a that my children will be happy ...
user3583's user avatar
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How many names are provided for Allah in Quran and Hadith?

When there are already 1000 questions are the islam.StackExchange, I found it interesting to ask the question 1001 about 1001 names of Allah: There is a Du'a narrated from Imam Ali-ibn-Hussain from ...
Ali's user avatar
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Why a Muslim should take his hands to sky while praying? Is not God under earth?

Is there anything about this in Quran? God exists everywhere. But what is the reason of this? Quran says: وَلِلَّـهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ ۚ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللَّـهِ ۚ ...
Battle of Karbala's user avatar