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Questions tagged [adam-and-eve]

Adam and Eve also known as Adam and hawa are known to be the father and mother of mankind.

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Why did Allah only forgive Adam and not eve?

In the Qur'an we have these verses: And they ate [DUAL] thereof, and their [DUAL] shame became clear to them; and they [DUAL] began to draw over them of the leaves of the garden; and Adam opposed his ...
Clyde Simpson's user avatar
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Was incest permissible at some point ? Did Adam’s first children had to procreate between themselves?

We know incest is forbidden in Islam and other religions. But when we go back to the first human being on earth, prophet Adam, we know that he had children with his wife Eve. And as we are all coming ...
Abdullah Nazeri's user avatar
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How did Iblis tempt Adam in paradise if he had already been banished from it?

This is my understanding, Iblis is banished from paradise after refusing to bow to Adam. Iblis tempts Adam in paradise, to lead him astray. So, how exactly is Iblis tempting Adam (who is in paradise)...
Samid's user avatar
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Are Adam and Eve greatest sinners ever for having children?

All people that ever lived will live are descendants of Adam and Eve. And likely billions of these people went to hell because they have committed great sins or became non-believers. So much suffering ...
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How do Muslims explain the similarities between the Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of Adam and Eve

I got confused because both of the Stories have striking similarities i would like an explanation?
hedhdi's user avatar
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How did Adam and Hawwa multiply?

Bismillah. Alhamdulillahi rabbil-'alamin was-Salatu was-Salam 'ala Sayyidil-Mursalin wa 'ala 'Alihi wa Sahbihi Ajma'in. So the question is How did Adam and Hawwa multiply? I'd like to know both Sunni ...
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Where was Allah when Adam and Eve were in Heaven? [closed]

I’m reading the story of Adam and Eve in chapter 7 of the Quran verses 19-22: “...But you and your wife, Adam, live in the Garden. Both of you eat whatever you like, but do not go near this tree or ...
AcidicProgrammer's user avatar
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Is fasting on so called "white days" inherited from Adam and Hawwa?

Is fasting on so called "white days" (13th, 14th and 15th day of a lunar month) inherited from Adam and Hawwa? I heard this claim from an old man, that Adam and Hawwa were the first people ...
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How did Iblis seduce Adam to eat from the forbidden tree?

So Iblis is a jinn because he disobeyed Allah and because he was created from fire. When Allah commanded Al-Malaika to prostrate to Adam, Iblis disobeyed and thus became from the disbelievers. Thus, ...
Eye Patch's user avatar
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How much time did Satan take to convince Adam to eat the fruit of forbidden tree?

As Quran says And indeed, We once made a covenant with Adam, but he forgot, and ˹so˺ We did not find determination in him. [Quran 20:115] How many years were they... that he just forgot??
Syed Waqas Bukhary's user avatar
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Was Adam (as) predestined to eat from the forbidden tree?

Assalam o Alaikum brothers, Someone just asked me a question, and to be frank, I didn't have a substantial reply. I'm also quiet confused now regarding this topic. I understand that Allah swt in ...
Insaan's user avatar
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Will Allah forgive the Satan (Al-Shaytan/Iblis) if he decided to repent to Allah?

Okay, this has been on my mind the whole day. And after searching the entire internet, articles, youtube videos and what not, I cannot find a legitimate answer anywhere. So, I decided to post the ...
Yosef's user avatar
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Adam ate from the Tree of Eternity. Does that mean people of Heaven aren't eternal?

فَوَسْوَسَ إِلَيْهِ الشَّيْطَانُ قَالَ يَا آدَمُ هَلْ أَدُلُّكَ عَلَى شَجَرَةِ الْخُلْدِ وَمُلْكٍ لّا يَبْلَى Then Satan whispered to him; he said, "O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity ...
SlaveofALLAH's user avatar
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How was it possible for satan to lead Adam and Eve astray when they were in heaven?

A heaven is suppose to be a place where evil cannot exist and devil/satan is not allowed to enter. So how was it possible for the satan to lead Adam and Eve go astray and disobey Allah's command. I ...
Maxood's user avatar
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Did Satan disguise himself as a serpent to convince Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Immortality?

From Wikipedia: Satan, disguised as a serpent, repeatedly told Adam to eat from the tree, and eventually both Adam and Eve did so, thus disobeying Allah. This surprises me; I don't recall a ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar

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