I hope this message finds you well. My name is Sara Alexandra, and I am writing to seek your guidance and advice on a challenging issue in my marriage.

I met my husband in Frankfurt, Germany, where he impressed me deeply with his devout practice of Islam, including his modesty and commitment to religious principles. Inspired by his faith, I reverted to Islam a month later, embraced wearing the niqab, and made significant changes in my life to align with Islamic teachings.

Before our marriage, I withheld information about my past relationships out of fear and shame. Regrettably, I did not disclose that I had been in two previous relationships and was not a virgin. Despite my initial deception, my husband accepted my proposal for marriage, and we have been married for five months now. I love him deeply and cannot bear the thought of losing him.

Recently, my husband discovered the truth about my past, and understandably, he is deeply hurt and has expressed a desire for divorce. I am sincerely remorseful for my actions and seek forgiveness from Allah and my husband.

Additionally, my husband, who is originally from India and resides in Dubai, has recently disclosed his true financial situation to me — he is a crypto billionaire. He deliberately kept this information from me to ensure my love and commitment were genuine, fearing that wealth might alter my feelings towards him. Despite his wealth, he remains humble and devoted to our marriage and our faith.

I am fearful that my husband's emotional turmoil may lead him to make decisions contrary to his faith. I am committed to seeking reconciliation, restoring trust, and preserving our marriage in accordance with Islamic teachings.

I kindly request your guidance on how to approach this situation Islamically. I seek advice on seeking forgiveness, rebuilding trust, and navigating this delicate time in our marriage.

Thank you for considering my request for guidance. May Allah grant you wisdom to provide me with the right advice.


Sara Alexandra

  • 1
    We don't give personal advice. You husband should be made aware that الإسلام يهدم ما كان قبله (Acceptance of Islam wipes out all misdeeds that preceded it) - Sahih Muslim
    – UmH
    Commented Jul 3 at 12:00


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