my name is Talha, and I work for an affiliate network.My role is affiliate manager, and I find affiliates to promote our offers. We have offers in home improvement, solar, and loans. When the affiliate generates leads, I also get commission from it. Is it halal for me to get commission from loan leads, as my company is not providing the loan directly to customers; they just send leads to buyers, and then they provide loans? Is my earning halal?

  • Assalamoalikum Talha. Welcome to Islam SE. Your question is rather specific and can better be answered by taking a direct fatwa from a scholar. You may ask this on sites like seekersguidance.org, islamqa.info, askimam.org, islamweb.com, or another site based on your denomination of Islam. A few general answers I found online for this since you have asked: islamqa.org/hanafi/daruliftaa/7919/fiqh-of-charging-commissions islamqa.info/en/answers/21980/is-commission-prohibited-in-islam . Commented Jun 15 at 11:52
  • For more info on how to ask on Islam SE, please view: islam.stackexchange.com/help/how-to-ask . Always make sure that your questions are not extra specific to your scenario, so that they are answerable with one straightforward answer with the right references and don't warrant a fatwa. Moreover, make sure that your questions are also not too open-ended and opinion-based so that it doesn't gather debateful, and often, baseless answers. Be concise and ask one laser-pointed question per post. Jazak Allah khayr. Commented Jun 15 at 11:54


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