
I am boy of 14 years old. I am addicted mastervition, pornography about 3years. I have swore in the name of Allah that I will not do it again. But I broken my swore. then I again swore in the name of Allah if I do it again I will stop doing programming. but I break again because I love programming a lot. Then I swore in the name of Allah again if I do it again then I said to Allah that he will destroy my future life career means study, future job. I noticed that I could not do well in my study. I had a determination to study in a great university in the future but now it has not. I think that day by day I am becoming bad at studying. What should I do? I have lost a lot of Salah and Fast. How can I prevent it? How can I start programming and save my future and study as I cannot able to give the kaffara of broken swore? How can I recover my Salah and fast?

1 Answer 1


I can empathize with as I am as the same age of yours and is going through the same problem currently. I have doing this sinful act for over 3 years but I have tried several methods to tackle it and at times those are successful.

  1. The first method is to keep yourself engaged on some task or another. I really love doing household chores so I find opportunities of helping my mother every now and then.
  2. Just transition yourself to more open and transaparent devices like desktop.

But really to be honest I bet you would have tried on these methods and yet be unsuccessful because the coming of the thought itself means the birth of the urge to watch anyhow, by hook or by crook.

Yet we can only think of the qiyamah, ethics and the expectations of the parents surrounding us. I suggest you really take the courage to pray salah and read on sahabi. All we teens can do is to have hope and carry on.

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