I have two questions.

1- I have deposited a certain amount with a developer in a European country to get the immigration as per the laws of that European country. The rule is that the money will stay with the developer for a period of 5-6 years during which he will use that money to develop some real estate. After a period of 6 years, if the immigration department of that country award me immigration based on the amount of investment I have made and their other criteria/ rules then I will get my deposited money back after 6 years.

My question is that do I have to pay Zakat on this money till the time its with the developer and not in my possession?

2- Second question is related to forex/ commodity trading. If the broker offers me a leverage which has no swap or interest charges then can I use leverage to do commodity or forex trading?

  • First one sounds like a scam to me, do your due diligence.
    – UmH
    Commented Jan 23 at 8:22
  • Salam and welcome to IslamSE the Q&A site about Islam. To make yourself familiar with our site and model I strongly recommend you to take the tour and check our help center. Please note that these are two questions asked in one post (see in our meta our position regarding multi-question posts), please consider splitting your post so that each question can be handled in an adequate manner.
    – Medi1Saif
    Commented Jan 26 at 8:53


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