I am working on a project which will require networking with multiple IoT devices and sensors (scales, temperature sensors, actuated switches, etc.).

I am familiar with the MQTT architecture, while I have had just a surface exposure to OPC UA. From my understanding, OPC UA is more challenging to implement, so my question is: Are there any reasons while I should consider looking deeper into OPC UA?

Considering that:

  • Publish-Subscribe vs Client-Server does not make much difference for my application.

  • A key advantage of OPC UA seems to be standardisation for communication between devices, but my devices only need internal interoperability, they will not be exposed to third parties.

  • I have no legacy devices, it's a greenfield project.


1 Answer 1


Pasting a response I received elsewhere:

I don't see why you would go the OPC UA route, unless you need to integrate with an already existing OPC server. MQTT is light, reliable, and very easy to implement. If speed is not an issue for you, then i think we have a winner. If standardisation is what you are missing, consider using Sparkplug B. Take a look at what HiveMQ has to offer, but there are also others that deal with SpB.


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