As the title says: What is the difference between the Internet of Things and the Internet of Everything and should I care?

I came cross two concepts the Internet of Things and the Internet of Everything. Can anyone help me understand: How do the two topics differ from each other?

If you have time to watch a 20 minute video, this is where I first got the topic from: Introduction to the Internet of Everything by Eli the Computer Guy.


2 Answers 2


The Internet of Everything is primarily a marketing term used by Cisco, in contrast to the Internet of Things which is a more generic term used by many groups and manufacturers. Since IoE is used almost exclusively by Cisco, their definition should be quite reliable:

The Internet of Everything (IoE) brings together people, process, data, and things to make networked connections more relevant and valuable than ever before-turning information into actions that create new capabilities, richer experiences, and unprecedented economic opportunity for businesses, individuals, and countries.

In practical terms, this boils down to a few key points, which I'll outline below.

Machine to Machine (M2M) vs Machine to People (M2P)

The Internet of Things is primarily associated with connecting machines and devices together so they can share data, e.g. connecting your light bulb to your smartphone so you can control it.

The Internet of Everything is a more holistic term that considers every step of the process: human interaction with the computer; the machine to machine interaction; the output to the human and the process in general.

IoE can be used in industry to describe the changes that come about as a consequence of interconnected devices, and talk about the new processes that factories can use to be more efficient.

The Scale of the Internet of Everything

The IoE can also encompass systems bigger than you traditionally find in IoT networks. One example on the Cisco website is a train network, which is far bigger than you'd find in a domestic IoT network (the train could have a whole IoT network of its own, then be connected to a bigger network!).

Overall, there isn't a lot of difference - it's just a marketing buzzword used by Cisco, but it's otherwise very similar to the term Internet of Things.


What Internet of Everything's aim is:

connecting the unconnected — people-to-people (P2P), machine-to-people (M2P), and machine-to-machine (M2M) — via the Internet of Everything (IoE).

So basically it seems to be a broader term, the next generation of IoT according to Cisco.

The point is that all devices will have direct connection to the Internet, while in IoT the devices are members of an Internet-Like-Network but not necessarily the Internet itself.

What makes it possible is the IPv6 which will allow countless devices to have its own IP address.

Second, barriers to connectedness continue to drop. For example, IPv6 overcomes the IPv4 limit by allowing for 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 more people, processes, data, and things to be connected to the Internet. Amazingly, IPv6 creates enough address capacity for every star in the known universe to have 4.8 trillion addresses.

So IoE emphasizes TCP/IP connection and larger, more comprehensive networks.

But all in all there are not much differences at all. Using only TCP/IP in IoE exclude a lot of IoT platforms and devices but the concept does not change much.

Also the targeted connection of M2M, P2P, M2P does not make a significant difference either.

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